• wwpress101


    I want to put a menu in the footer. Right now I can not get the footer to show anything. I have the widget area turned on and I have drug a menu and text widget into the footer widget and still nothing shows. In theme opt I have typed in text in the footer areas such as the copy right area. I have footer ads turned on, footer widget one column. What have I left out that is doesn’t show anything??

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  • bdbrown


    Hi wwpress101. Sounds like it should be there.

    In theme opt I have typed in text in the footer areas such as the copy right area.

    Is the copyright text displayed? Can you post a link to your site? Thanks.

    Thread Starter wwpress101


    Here is the site address. Please over look how crazy it looks. It is my practice site so I am throwing a lot of things on to see how it works.




    This style is at the end of the head section:

    <style id="custom-css-css">footer{display:none}#side{float:left;margin:20px 0 0;width:230px}</style>
    Thread Starter wwpress101


    Sorry I don’t know what you are telling me to do in your last post? New to this so am getting a little lost.



    There is custom CSS that’s been added that is hiding the footer. Could have been manually added to the header.php file, or in a CSS plugin, or maybe one of the Jetpack modules or other plugins is inserting it.

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