Removing the Footer credit option is present in our Pro version of the Theme.
Oh, that’s a horrible answer. The user can always edit the theme and remove the footer credits.
If the theme support does not want to do that, cool but it is a bad answer.
@currentsamuel Try this.
1. Create a child theme of MoreNews.
I used this plugin to do that. You can remove the plugin after the child theme is created.
2. Activate the MoreNews child theme.
3. Copy the file themes/morenews/footer.php to themes/morenews-child/
The child theme needs a copy of the parent theme’s footer.php file.
4. Edit copy and at line 140 add this line.
<?php $morenews_theme_credits = 1; ?>
That will tell the theme to not display the credits. There’s probably a cleaner way to do that but a quick look made that solution work.