Hello @pherchristoph,
For your required thing, you need to do small code customization.
Am providing you the simple way which will give permission to apply the HTML tags for description but you need to take care of the css if there is any layout break because according to our plugin layout we prevent the direct HTML tags directly from the description content text editor, specifically the layout will break if you are using any img tag, so make sure to not use any img tag for description.
Here the code file location:
wp-content\plugins\restropress\templates\fooditem\content-title.php line no- 14
<?php echo apply_filters( 'rpress_fooditems_excerpt', get_post_field( 'post_content', get_the_ID() ), $excerpt_length ); ?>
Hope this will helpful to you.
Let us know if anything else want to know about RestroPress.