Well, I think that’s iffy, so we haven’t included it yet. There are some significant performance problems with SVG pseudo-elements in some scenarios, so we normally advise against using pseudo-elements with the SVG/JS technology. So it’s not an option to enable SVG pseudo-elements in a kit in the Kit Settings UI on fontawesome.com.
The way this plugin works currently, when a kit is selected, the plugin just reads the kit’s settings; it doesn’t configure them. The kit settings are configured in the Kit Settings UI on fontawesome.com. If we were to add this feature to the plugin, it would be the one setting where the plugin overrides something about the configuration of the kit. The kit would then function differently when loading on the WordPress site than when the same kit is used on some other site.
So it’s not obvious to me that it should be an option in the plugin, but it’s a valid question and would be a valid feature request.