• Has anyone used the font squirrel api? I have a json callback downloading a font file from font squirrel and i have WordPress creating a folder in a sub directory for the file. But the folder that is created has some arbitrary name and the folder is empty. Has anyone done this before?

    function kdr_awesome_fonts_font_family_choice(){
    		$font_family_input = get_option( 'font_family_choice', $default = false );
    	<select name="font_family_choice">
    			$fonts = kdr_awesome_fonts_fontfamily_jsoncall();
    			//if the json request works render a select box for the list of the family names
    				foreach($fonts as $key => $value){
    				echo "<option value='".$i."' ". selected($i, $font_family_input).">".$fonts[$key]->family_name."</option>";
    	$font_position = kdr_postion($font_family_input);
    	$font_position_placement = wp_remote_request('https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontfacekit/'.$font_position -> family_urlname.'');
    $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir('web-fonts/'.$font_position_placement);
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