• Hello!

    I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this question, so I apologise in advance if I’m bothering the wrong people. I would like to change the site title font on my website. I uploaded the font file via the ftp client, and now I’m trying to update the stylesheet using simple custom css. I pasted the following code:

    @font-face {
    font-family: babalusa;
    src: url(‘https://flyingsamovar.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/yuuta-clone/fonts/babalusa-cut-font.ttf’);

    .site-title {
    font-family: babalusa !important;

    The src: command, however, as well as the url address, turns red and becomes highlighted (as if I made a mistake or the command wasn’t valid). Needless to say, the font isn’t working. I am clearly doing something wrong, and I would be extremely grateful if anyone would be kind enough to point at what exactly that is (or, if it is a wrong place to ask this question, if you could at least point me at a place where I could find the answer). I don’t know if that is of any relevance, but I used a Google fonts plugin to change some other fonts on the website.

    Any help greatly appreciated!

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