Hi WEN Solution,
I’ve checked my css. And there is no error with the css.
I just change the color with customizer and simple css for changing font.
After that I trying to tweak the subject of my problem with simple css plugin but still haven’t found the solution.
Hi ThemeAwesome,
Sorry about that before , because I’ve no idea how I explain it.
And sorry again, it still developed locally so I can’t give the link, but I’ll try to explain a little better.
First , let’s say I have 1 menu called “Index” , and it has 2 submenu “Category” and “Tag”.
Next , I want to change the menu color (font color , link , background , etc) using customizer so I go to Color Option and Top-bar Colors.
In Top-bar Colors , I’ve changed some , and here is the detail :
Select Main Color : #ffffff
Select Divider Color : #ffffff
Select Hover Color : #e2e2e2
Select Top-bar Active Color : #06397b
Select Top-bar Active Hover Color : #5d5d5d
Select Top-bar Font Color : #5d5d5d
Select Top-bar Font Hover Color : #06397b
After that I save it and assign it to the main menu.
The problem is this.
When I hover my cursor to “Index” menu , the color is changed as I assign the color.
But when I hover to submenu “Category” or “Tag” , the font color of “Index” is changing to #ffffff not to #5d5d5d .
FYI , it happen before I activated my plugin , so I thought it was error from css , not from the plugin.
Is that clear enough? If isn’t , well I guess I’ll contact you after it deployed.
Anyway Many Thanks for you guys ??