No problem, I try to explain. Google offers a variety of fonts directly online. You can view the whole list of these fonts from here:
Choose the font you like and click on the icon quick-use. On the next page you can choose the style, the character set and the option to add the font.
Below, in the middle tab you’ll see @import, select it, copy and paste all of the code on top of your style sheet:
@import url(,latin-ext);
Or use this function in functions.php in your child theme:
function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
wp_register_style('wpb-googleFonts', ',latin-ext');
add_action('wp_print_styles', 'wpb_add_google_fonts');
Careful to point 4 that explains how to assign the font-family to your classes.
For ex:
h1 { font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif; font-weight: 300; }
If the font doesn’t change try with !important:
h1 { font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif!important; font-weight: 300!important; }
Coeur has also an option for fonts:
Appearance > Customize > Font Options
That’s alla folks ??