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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Hello Willem,

    Can you try the version I’ve just released?
    WPML Media should work now ??

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe



    Thanks for that. I tested it, this are my results:

    Upload OK:

    Renaming original image OK (image URL get’s changed):

    English copy of Image, NOT OK:

    URL is not renamed… so now I have same image available on two different URL’s.

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Why is this image name is I don’t think the plugin copies physically the image, they just point on the same image and they gave different metadata.

    Hi Jordy Meow,

    I also got the problem with WPML. Filename and link can be changed in Vietnamese but it’s still keep the old title (link has been updated) in English.

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    That one has the original filename ‘willem-siebe-google-plus.jpg’, after I changed the Dutch image to Willempie the file name of Dutch one changed to ‘willempie.jpg’. The english one still keeps original file name now the image is available on two URL’s.

    I have checked the code, need to add one more SQL command to modify post_title in wp_posts then it works fine for WPML in secondary language.

    Another issue is some plugins (happened in my case) save relative path of images in meta_value field of wp_postmeta table. But the original code update this table using full URL so it fails to update. I also add another SQL like this

    $query = $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, ‘%s’,’%s’);”, $old_filename, $new_filename );

    $old_filename and $new_filename are only file name without extension. This tweak also work fine for me.

    Hope my tweak might be useful!

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Hello guys,

    Yeah, the title is not supposed to be updated. Only the link is updated. It would be awesome to rename everything (and the alt if needed) automatically but it’s too dangerous. It is REALLY dangerous.

    hchautrung proposed to do a bulk rename without the extension. But think of cat.jpg. I also have a cat-from-japan.jpg. What happen if we rename the cat.jpg file into dog.jpg file? Then your cat-from-japan.jpg will also become dog-from-japan.jpg.

    This is only a tiny example but there are multitude of issues linked to this. The proper way would be to parse all the posts through regexp by attachment ID and rename things within the IMG tag for instance but not only it would be impossible to cover all the cases (metadata…) and it would be also really slow (parse all the posts, wow).

    hchautrung, you can make a mini plugin and upload it on WordPress or Github, and use one of the Media File Renamer filter to do this, you can hook in easily. But I can’t add this in the core, it’s too dangerous. I am pretty soon I will have a flood of angry users :p

    Yes I totally agree with Jordy Meow because I want to find the fastest way to fix my problem on yesterday I used bulk rename, it’s very dangerous. I have modified a bit to update title for WPML translation title. I put this code in “action_update_slug” function

    if(!function_exists(‘icl_object_id’)) return; // to check whether WPML has been installed.
    $translation_id = icl_object_id($post[‘ID’],’attachment’,false); // find translation id
    if(!isset($translation_id)) return;
    $query = $wpdb->prepare( “UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_title = ‘%s’, post_name = ‘%s’ WHERE ID = ‘%d'”, $post[‘post_title’], $newslug, $translation_id );
    $wpdb->query( $query );

    NOTE: this one isn’t the final version. When I finish I might a make a tiny plugin to handle WPML and upload to github.


    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi all,

    Just remember, my issue is not the complicated discussion we are having here right now. I just illustrated that renaming a single images is not working with WPML Media, since the ‘english version’ still keeps the old file URL which causes the images to be available in TWO places, the old URL and the new URL from the ‘dutch version’.

    Anyway, if this not is going to be fixed, I advise to mention this in the plugin description that it is NOT compatible with WPML Media (and thus multilingual WooCOmmerce setup since this needs WPML Media to be installed).

    Kind regards,


    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Willem, you are right, the discussion went in another way. I actually also use WPML Media on one on my website but strangely I have no problem with it.

    Can you make sure of one thing? The filename you are talking about, what it is exactly? The “File URL” field or the “File name” field?

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi Jordy,

    You can see the images and problem in this reply:

    So, I upload from my PC the image:


    It creates an Dutch and English picture, which is great.

    Then I rename my Dutch image to ‘Willempie’ and the ‘File URL:’ is changed to willempie.jpg and the ‘File name:’ is still willem-siebe-spoelstra-google-plus.jpg (which is normal because when I remember your plugin stopped changing this because it was unsafe).

    Now the problem: looking at the English picture, the ‘File URL:’ is not changed to willempie.jpg but still has the original ‘File URL:’ willem-siebe-spoelstra-google-plus.jpg.

    As you can see, image now available on two URL’s…

    kind regards,


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