• iraqdad1216


    Hello WP.org community,

    I need help from experienced professional or know how guys. My name is Robert and I am a fellow blogger. 2 years ago I helped my partner Neal create a wordpress.com blog, NealEnjoy.com. I helped grow his blog then a year ago I self-hosted my own photo blog Robertsnapspot.com because i wanted a customizable blog.

    I have been completely perplexed by the fact i cannot figure out how to get followers on my blog, instead i have subscribers who are suppose to have access to my admin(something I don’t want). His blog only has followers and no subscribers. We have added hundreds of followers to his blog by their email addresses. I tried to make him a follower on my blog but WP.org says he is a subscriber and he is not even listed anywhere. Nor does he receive any emails about my new posts. If we weren’t living together he’d never know I posted new content. I have also tried many plugins that sound like they would help, Subscribe2, Jetpack, Follow. They did not help.

    I am very frustrated because i created this blog to help me with learning photography but instead i’m paying to search seemingly endless forums, youtube, and google to get a workable answer. I can only post messages about new blog posts to my FB and LinkedIn sites. I simply want blog followers with email capabilities. Is this possible in WP.org? Can I make my subscribers followers.

    Desperately seeking answers,

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    If you install the Jetpack plugin and you have followers and subscribers on your WordPress.COM blog and want to carry them over to your self-hosted version then please give this a read.


    If you want to start anew then I still recommend Jetpack.


    The Barefoot Bookworm


    Hi Robert!

    You seem to have a subscription box on your site now–does this mean the issue is resolved, or would you still like help?

    Thread Starter iraqdad1216


    My question was never answered. I did not want to move followers form NealEnjoy.com, I wanted set up the ability to have followers on Robertsnapspot.com as suggested above. The subsection box (part of jetpack) uses the term “followers” and states it will send a new email for each new post. I have yet to see this happen. I also don’t want subscribers to have access to my admin dashboard. Not to make a fuss but where are those happiness engineers that i see answering other posted questions?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Not to make a fuss but where are those happiness engineers that i see answering other posted questions?

    The problem is that this topic was about not-Jetpack and you posted in the Miscellaneous sub-forum. While this topic is tagged “jetpack” that is not a tag that the Jetpack Happyness Engineers follow. This isn’t where they look.

    I simply want blog followers with email capabilities. Is this possible in WP.org? Can I make my subscribers followers.

    If you’re using Jetpack and it’s not working for you then you may want to post your problem in the Jetpack sub-forum.


    That is something that they follow and your topic there will get picked up. If you do go that route and create a new topic then I’ll close this one with a link to the new one.

    The Barefoot Bookworm



    I understand. The WordPress forums are a really busy place and there are a lot of volunteers who help the mods answer people’s questions–I’ve been helped out by them myself–but sometimes some things slip out of notice, especially when they’re not in a forum the mods are looking at, etc.

    I tried out the routine Jetpack email subscription process just now on a test blog, and it worked fine for me. Did Neal receive the subscription confirmation message? (It might have ended up in his spam folder, and all subscriptions must be confirmed before they become active.) If he did, what are his delivery settings? (These can be accessed via the confirmation email followers receive.) I set mine to deliver a post as soon as it’s published, but people can set it so that they only receive a weekly notification or no email notifications (if they have a WP.com account that the subscriptions are associated with).

    I also checked and my email subscribers do not have access to the admin dashboard, nor are they included in the users list. The subscriber role is a specific type of WordPress user that you can create via the admin dashboard, who has the ability to log into the site and is not related to the email subscribers managed by Jetpack.

    If you want, you can also use the Optin Forms plugin that creates a form that plugs into a non-Wordpress subscribers list managed by a third-party email automation service such as MailChimp, or go with a newsletter plugin like MailPoet. I’m not sure if they have settings to automatically send out notifications, but you can certainly send them out manually to the entire list at once through these.

    If you’ve checked and all of these settings are correct, then it’s probably a broken plugin and you should ask the Jetpack support team.

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