• Hi! Great plugin ?? Just some few problems I ran into:

    1. How do I get the normal comment field away (not your problem but maybe you could help)?

    2. When I click “follow post” I still don’t get any notification on Facebook when someone replies or write something new in that post/comment.

    3. When someone replies, I don’t get notification on facebook either, neither on email (maybe that doesn’t work)



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  • Plugin Contributor kseifert


    Hi marcusgrip,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    1: Would you have an image example or Url where I could see what you mean? Do you mean the default wordpress text “Leave a Reply”?

    2: I was thinking this is a setting that could be changed in your facebook settings page, but I’ll need to look more into this …

    3: You are right there was an issue with email notification on nested replies. Facebook handles these differently, so I released a new version (1.3) that fixes this. Also, the email notifications will now distinguish if a comment is directed at the wordpress post, or another comment. (The email will use label “Comment” or “Reply”)

    Plugin Contributor kseifert


    More about 2:

    The widget is embedded with notify=”true”, so it should be sending out notifications. In theory, you should be able to turn these on/off with facebook settings.

    However, on our site we were using Facebook built-in notifications too. We found Facebook’s notifications to be a little inconsistent; sometimes they would get lost. (Which is one reason why we started sending the notification emails outside of Facebook.)

    The only other difference on our site, is we also had open graph data set in the <head></head>, for example:

    <meta property=”fb:admins” content=”12341234,1234134″/>
    <meta property=”fb:app_id” content=”1234213412341234″/>

    Though I’m not sure that would make a difference in this case.

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