Flush Rules on Post or Page
Is it possible to flush the rules set on pages or posts directly back to global settings?
If you set up there any option for one time, it is no more possible to set options with filter.
That seems like a feature request. There is currently no way to flush the rules. You can set them to the global settings and that will get rid of the settings for that post. So if you have a plugin disabled on the global page you leave it disabled on the post. And if it is enabled on the global page leave it enabled. Then the post will not have any settings. it will use the global settings.
Or it’s parent settings.
I understand. It would be a nice feature : )
Thank you
Hey Jeff,
I don′t know where the best place to create feature requests, so I use this resolved topic. The captcha on your website doesn′t like me : )
I played a lot with your plugin in the last few days, and it′s really really awesome. If you use it right, it gives you a great impact to your page-load-time. It′s really incredible..!
It would be really awesome to get the possibility for a better handling of filter-groups (not plugin-groups).
I think a good way to do this, is to add the possibility to work with more than one permalink(s) in a single plugin-filter, for example comma-seperated (if this is possible), or with the possibility to create more permalink-fields with a little plus-icon.
Cause if you group a lot of plugin-filters and you need to change something there, you must change it this time in every single filter of this group. But if you can put more permalinks in one single filter, you just need to do it once. This will give you a great flexibility to work with filter-groups for plugins inside the admin-settings-area.
Best regards
Having more than one permalink isn’t possible because of the way this thing works. It does a search of the sql table to find a match. If I were to put multiple permalinks on one filter the field would have to be a large text field instead of a varchar and would not be able to use an index to speed up the searches. The search is further sped up by hashing the permalink when it is saved so it will always fit into a varchar field no matter the size. That does make it harder to change multiple pages at once but it improves the performance on the front end, which is the goal.
I’m going to release an update, hopefully this week, that will make the filter groups a little more usable. Then you can at least view all of the filters in a single group instead of having to look for them.FYI My captcha on the contact form of my page has been having issues. I think it’s because multiple captchas are being displayed on the page and my captcha plugin is getting confused on which one you are trying to enter.
Ok.. I understand and it makes sense.. Nice to know.
I’m going to release an update, hopefully this week, that will make the filter groups a little more usable. Then you can at least view all of the filters in a single group instead of having to look for them.
Awesome news! Thank You!
Another idea for a faster workflow, if it is possible without loosing performance..
It would be nice to get the possibility to copy the setting from one filter to another or to create a filter out of a template. On this way (and with your new feature to group filters), you can setup a hole range of new filters in just a few minutes.. : )
I tried it with “Duplicate Posts”, but it doesn’t work.. Perhaps it is possible to combine them..
Please forget my last post.. Your plugin is almost perfect as it is..
To handle different plugin-settings inside admin area, it seems that it is the best way to create for every plugin a plugin-group and just set them to off on filter for this plugin-settings.
On this way you′re very flexible to add and delete plugins from these groups every time it′s needed..
It′s very complex but if you got it for one time, possibilities are endless..
What′s the files from WP where most plugins communicate between backend and frontend and where most of plugins should stay active?
Normally a plugin writes datas to database if it runs on frontend or backend and uses wp-db.php for it. That′s the most important bridge as it seems. But which files are also important for communication?
/wp-cron.php (for plugins like backups eg if they are deactivated globally)
/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php (shopsystems, gravity forms and other ajax using plugins)
/wp-admin/widgets.php (all plugins with widgets)
Do you know more where it is very important to take a look at it?
If you use plugins like “WP Better Emails”, which file(s) is/are important for this service? Can’t find something like emails.php
Thanks and best regards
Shame on me for so many posts..! Thank you so much for your patience..
Is anything possible like this? :
https://domain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_edit_forms*Without this: https://domain/wp-admin/ **affect-childs (and all post-types)**
Cause this:
https://domain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_edit_formsworks not for this:
https://domain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_edit_forms&id=1No. Wildcards in the permalink are not possible because it is matched using the exact text of the permalink. Using wild cards would require saving the permalink into a text field in the plugin and would lose the index that speeds up the searching. It would have to scan every row of the sql table on every search and would significantly slow down page load times.
Is there a maximum for filters that gonna be used?
I have setup more than 100 and now I run into strange issues. If I setup new filters, after every second or third the most of my plugins are really deactivated on plugin-page.. So I have to go there to reactivate them..
That′s so frustrating.. After every filter I setup new, most of our plugins are deactivated in the plugin directory..
So I have to activate them again, set a new filter and then the same procedure.. Can this happen with settings in PO or it is more a plugin conflict ?
I have 129 Filters now, most of them for our admin-area. Any idea ?
Is there a message saying that a parent is affecting the filters? If you have set plugin on a parent those will be shown on the new filter and a message will appear telling you there is a parent that has been set to affect it.
No, I′m familiar with these kinds of messages.
The plugins were deactivated directly on /wp-admin/plugins.php
It seems that there is a plugin conflict. I deactivated everything, activated 2012 and re-installed WordPress and PO.
It seems to work now. Thank you.. You′re really sure that it is not possible to donate ?
Your support is much better as support of some premium-plugins! Thumbs up!
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