• Resolved game writer


    The Fluent help page at https://fluentsmtp.com/docs/set-up-amazon-ses-in-fluent-smtp/ is outdated and references Amazon SES UX that no longer exists. AmazonSESFullAccess and AmazonSNSFullAccess are not in the IAM permissions policies list. Searching SES, SNS, and mail all come up empty.

    My Amazon account IS authorized for “AmazonSesSendingAccess“, which works great with Thunderbird. However, if I continue the FluentSMTP setup, when I enter my key and secret key and submit, I get “USER is not authorized to perform: ses:ListIdentities because no identity-based policy allows the ses:ListIdentities action”. I assume there’s some policy I can’t find that I need to apply to my Amazon account. Anyone know what the modern policy name is? Help?

    Also, I am 100% unable to post a comment at https://fluentsmtp.com/docs/set-up-amazon-ses-in-fluent-smtp/ , which makes me fear that the site and plugin are not well supported. “Security validation failed: you are typing too fast” (even after waiting 5 minutes) and “Security Token Expired” (after waiting 15).

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by game writer.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Ibrahim Sharif


    Hello @scrybbler,

    I understand that you’re having trouble setting up Amazon SES in FluentSMTP because the documentation is outdated and you’re getting an error about not being authorized to perform the “ses:ListIdentities” action.

    As per the information provided by our team, it seems that you may have created a new IAM user that is restricted from using certain policies by the root administrator. To resolve this, please create a new FluentSMTP IAM user with a root administrator of the AWS Console user.

    If you continue to face issues, please feel free to submit a support ticket on our portal. Our team will be happy to assist you further.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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