FluentAuth Plugin: Potential Unmet, Unresolved Issues!
The FluentAuth plugin, despite its potential, unfortunately, falls short of expectations. The lack of UI customisations is an immediate drawback. The inability to make simple CSS changes diminishes the user experience, reducing its usability across different platforms.
Also, there seems to be compatibility issues with other plugins; many of its functions do not operate as expected when used in conjunction with other plugins. This restricts the freedom to use FluentAuth in diverse settings.
The MagicLink login option is another major concern. Consistently unresolved and often resulting in a JavaScript error, it’s not just a technical issue, but also indicative of a lack of support from the team. Despite multiple reports, the problem remains unaddressed.
fls_login.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value') at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (fls_login.js:1:6844)
Moreover, it’s disappointing to see that translations using the Loco plugin don’t work unless they’re in the Author or System locations. The risk of them being overwritten during an update adds another layer of inconvenience.
Albeit reluctantly, I have given FluentAuth two stars, one more than it arguably deserves, in the hope that this feedback will prompt some much-needed improvements. The current state of the plugin certainly doesn’t reflect well on an otherwise competent team. It’s a missed opportunity for positive exposure and has made me hesitant about investing in any of their other offerings.
In conclusion, my faith in the team and desire to use FluentAuth are what’s salvaging this review from a one-star rating. I hope that they take this critique into consideration and rectify these issues promptly.
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