flshow Manager {input/output error while loading xml DataFile}
Hi Installed flshow Manager in my wordpress site, but now, the plugin, that was suppost to work from its box does not work. I get an error, not matter when I do with this amazing plugin:
stage loaderURL is: htt://mywebsite.com/wp-content/plugins/flshow/manager
CorrentDoman is mywebsite.com
Message Loading XML data
XML data file: htt://mywebsite.com/folder-named-after-title-in-galler
Message: Loading XML data
XML data file in SWF path: htt://mywebsite.com/wp-content/plugins/flshow
message: Input/output error while loading xml DataFileWhat I noticed that the xml that was suppost to come out never was produced. Plus it calls it from a root folder that does not exist. I noticed within the flash that the xml produced was to be called default.xml
I want to use this, but I do not know what do. Can any one give me a heads up?
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