Hi love this plugin and use it on a few of my sites, if you notice once you save to home screen the taskbar/address bar still shows at the top that it why it’s wotmong . Seems like SPWA is not actually working.
I’m not sure why it’s not occuring for me upon the devices which I tested. Upon my tests, the links upon floating menu worked perfectly and none of the links from the floating menu opened upon the browser.
Can I ask if you are testing on Android or iOS?
I tested upon Android (Chrome browser – tested upon 2 devices) and upon iOS devices (11.4 version – Safari Browser – tested over 2 devices)
I spent an hour last night I tried older versions of WordPress changing settings etc and I belive your current version 1.9 does not work with iOS.
If you could confirm this I can then look at other alternatives until you get this fixed.
Before releasing a version to public, we always test it over all the devices which we have access and make it confirm that it’s perfectly working over all.
I at a dead end in trying to figure it out, if possible do you have a copy of an older version of SPWA?
Yeah Sure. You can easily download the older versions from WordPress by selecting the older version you like to test under Previous Versions at this page