• I’ve tried to add my WP blog on flickr, on their site it says to add your url with xmlrpc.php at the end and your blog admin and password. When I do this and click submit flickr just comes back saying my endpoint is wrong?

    Any ideas?

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  • Done. No change.

    I turned on the xmlrpc logging, but it’s not all that detailed. When I submit either with Zempt or Flickr, it logs the following. With Zempt, s/NO-APP-KEY/appKey/.

    2005-05-20 09:33:32 Input: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

    I finally took a few minutes to look closer and solved the problem. While rss-functions.php checks to see if xml_parser_create() exists, class-IXR.php does not. I didn’t pay attention at the time, but the system I installed WP on happened to have an older php install that also didn’t have the xml libs compiled in. What was occuring was that class-IXR.php was simply quietly dying without handling the error. Since xmlrpc.php already has flags to turn on debug logging, perhaps these should be used throughout.

    After an upgrade, xmlrpc.php functionality works great.

    I have upgraded to
    but it still not work, anyone knows how to configure it?
    Thanks in advance

    @ freeoutdoors: if i understand you correctly in order for xmlrpc to work there should be certain xml libs compiled server side? is that correct? because i can’t seem this to work with any of the dashboard widgets and i have played around with switiching poermissions and upgrading to the latest latest version. with no luck. my hosts are running php5.

    edit: i receive the following error:

    Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA in /path/to/my/blog/xmlrpc.php on line 4

    I had a similar problem as well. It worked fine on a fresh install but not on my veteran blog. Anyway, in the end, running upgrade.php solved it for me. I stumbled upon this inadvertently when I was trying to figure out why my site was causing a file download instead of displaying my content. upgrade.php was the answer.

    Make sure that the user account that you are using to post pictures from flickr has a level greater than 1. If the user is at level 1 it will not work.

    Upgrade.php fixed it for me too! Awesome. I was so happy I blogged a photo of it:


    None of this is working for me. A fresh install of WP 1.5.2 returns the same “endpoint” error via Flickr, and “POST” error via direct URL. Changing permissions to 777 hasn’t helped, neither has running upgrade.php. The user account is level 10.

    Any other ideas out there? Others are still reporting this error in 1.5.2

    Has this problem now gone away for everyone or have you all given up? I still can’t post photos from Flickr to my blog and I have upgraded to WP 1.5.2.

    check your caps/CAPS in the names of the files called by the xmlrpc file. “class-IXR.php” in your wp-includes folder needs to match case with the call inside xmlrpc. I fixed that, and it finally worked for me.

    Problem hasn’t gone away. I’ve given up trying. I’ve done everything listed here and everything I can find at Flickr’s support forums and I have nothing to show for it.

    I had this problem too and all it took was re-uploading the xmlrpc file and it worked. I have no idea what was causing it not to work though. Would uploading a fresh copy of the file help?

    Did it.

    I’m using version 1.5.2 just in case anyone wonders.

    class-IXR.php will cause issues as well in the 1.5.2 version of WP, go grab the svn release of class-IXR.php and replace the class-IXR.php in you wp-includes directory.

    I have encountered the same problem: at first, I could post from Flickr withut problem, then I’d occasionally get the message “Your blog posting failed. If your configuration details have changed, update them now”, but when I visited the blog, the post normally was there.
    Now, all attempts to use the “blog this” option fail.
    I’m using WP 1.5.2, PHP Version 4.3.10 and have already tried re-uploading class-IXR.php and xmlrpc.php, setting xmlrpc.php to 755 and even executing upgrade.php.
    No change.
    So, where would I find a working copy of “class-IXR.php”?
    I have no intention of getting into WP development, so I have not installed subversion.


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