Hi Michael!
Thank you for your answers and for your work!
Now I tried the latest version 1.4.2 but it still doesn’t work.
Is it right, that I only have to insert “[flickr id=”1234567890″]” or “[flickrset id=”1234567890″]” into the post/side and than use the button “Import Flickr Shortcode”?
Sorry, my english and my HTML-knowledge are not very good ??
When I try it on this way, I get this error-message:
All done! 0 [flickr(set)](s) were successfully processed in 3 seconds and there were 1 failure(s). To try importing the failed [flickr]s again, click here.
Please be patient while the [flickr(set)] shortcodes are processed. This can take a while, up to 2 minutes per individual Flickr media item. Do not navigate away from this page until this script is done or the import will not be completed. You will be notified via this page when the import is completed.
Estimated time required to import is 2 minutes.
Debugging Information
Total [flickr(set)]s: 1
[flickr(set)]s Imported: 0
Import Failures: 1
1. function () { if (!d) { var c = arguments, g, h, i, j, k; b && (k = b, b = 0); for (g = 0, h = c.length; g < h; g++) { i = c[g], j = f.type(i), j === “array” ? e.done.apply(e, i) : j === “function” && a.push(i); } k && e.resolveWith(k[0], k[1]); } return this; }
Have a nice day!