I had the same issue when I upgraded WooCommerce.
Thanks for the work-around, Pat! Calling the flexslider function again after the document loads did fix my slider, but it didn’t get rid of the console error from the original function call.
I found what I think is the root of the problem. I noticed that the flexslider shortcode PHP function embeds a javascript call to the jQuery.flexslider function directly in the HTML rather than calling it only after the document is ready. Since the WooCommerce updated the version of jQuery flexslider, it gets loaded later and it’s not yet defined when the shortcode HTML gets loaded.
I fixed up the PHP code by adding two lines to the show_flexslider_rotator function to ensure the flexslider function is only called after the document is ready. You can see which lines I added by looking at the two lines of code that begin with a + plus sign. (Don’t copy the plus sign into your PHP code).
Here is the patch:
Index: wp-content/plugins/flexslider-hg/flexslider-hg.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- wp-content/plugins/flexslider-hg/flexslider-hg.php (revision 404db2e72def25bde08da3f45dc0922b19301fc0)
+++ wp-content/plugins/flexslider-hg/flexslider-hg.php (revision )
@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@
$rtn .= '<script>';
+ $rtn .= " jQuery(document).ready( function() {";
$rtn .= " jQuery('#flexslider_hg_{$slug}').flexslider( ";
if(isset($rotators[ $slug ]['options']) AND $rotators[ $slug ]['options'] != "")
@@ -279,6 +280,7 @@
$rtn .= " ); ";
+ $rtn .= "} );";
$rtn .= '</script>';
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by