Here’s a solution that uses a shortcode and you only need to modify one theme file:
1. Copy /inc/featured.php from the parent theme to /inc/featured.php in your child theme using cPanel or FTP. If you don’t have a child theme there’s a ready-made one available in Hueman. Let me know and I’ll post some instructions.
2. In your admin Editor, edit the child theme featured.php file. At the top, change the two lines that start with this:
( is_home() && !is_paged() && ( ot_get_option('featured-posts-count')
by removing the “is_home()” criteria so they look like this:
( !is_paged() && ( ot_get_option('featured-posts-count')
4. Save and you’re done editing.
5. Install and activate the Insert PHP plugin:
6. Add this shortcode to your post/page (using the HTML tab on the editor) wherever you want to display the slider: