Hi @rgegeo,
Thank you for the screenshots. What is the weight unit you are currently using in your shop? Is it g as it is displayed here?
If so, I believe the first problem is the weight ranges you’ve defined e.g. here:
On the first glimpse they look like if they were meant for kg instead of g. So, in order to make it work I believe you should unify the weight units and either change it to kg in the WooCommerce settings and modify the products’ weight or leave it in g and adjust the shipping cost calculation rules to be configured for g as well.
The second thing which got my attention is the fact that there are some gaps between your weight ranges you’ve. If these rules are meant for kg:
the first one ends at 2 kg and the next one starts at 2.1 kg, so the 2.001 – 2.099 weight range remains currently uncovered. When the products’ in the cart weight hits this range, your customer will get the “There are no shipping methods…’ notice. That’s why it’s highly advised to keep that in mind and prevent such gaps from happening while defining the rules. To solve this out your weight-based rules should look this way:
0-2 kg – 6
2.001-3 kg – 1
3.001-4 kg – 1
The last thing I’ve noticed is the wrong shipping zones order. The narrower ones should be placed higher than the wider in order to be considered first. That’s why you should move the Peloponesse to the top and lower the Greece:
If not, all the shipping addresses will be matched to the Greece shipping zone since it’s much wider and being at the very top it will be considered first.
I hope that all my suggestions above will help you with solving the problems you’ve encountered.
Kind regards,