• It seams like there unfortunately is no way to set the order the entries are being shown indivually on a case-by-case basis … Or does anyone know a solution for this?

    When blogging live, it makes sense to put the most recent entry on top. But when the event is over and the whole live blog posting goes to the archive, it usually makes much more sense if the whole entry stream is reversed, hence being displayd in a chronogical order, starting with the oldest entry.

    So my suggestion is: Add an option to reverse the order when the live blogging is done, either automatically when the “Enable Live Blog” option in the master posting is being disabled or offer a manual way to override the standard setting for entry order, maybe from within the shortcode:

    something like [liveblog liveblogging_update_effect=”bottom”]

    which can be set manually, e.g. as soon as the live event is over and I want a different order for the entries.

    Good idea? Bad idea? I’d love to see a feature like this for a future version. And thanks very much so far for this great plugin!


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