Flash Video Player – need help with Preview Image.
Hey Folks,
I have https://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=flash_video_player this video plug in and it works great on my site https://www.pumatalk.com the only issue I have is when I bring the html “embed” code onto the blog it doesn’t work… here’s what i get..
now what i did was i searched for some wordpress flash video plugins for this video player and I am using this one
This one works fine – only issue is that there is no Preview image before the clip is played also the video does not stretch to whatever size you decide to put your player at (you can see an example of that here)
So just a couple of questions to you folks. How can I get the embed code to work in wordpress, I thought word press accepts HTML also I did what is needed to play the video and that’s
adding this code to the header.php
<script type="text/javascript" src="ufo.js"></script>
and placing this html code in the wordpress post.
<embed src="https://www.pumatalk.com/flash_flv_player/flvplayer.swf" width="360" height="240" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="file=https://www.pumatalk.com/flash_flv_player/video/balloons.flv&lightcolor=0xFFFFFF&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&frontcolor=0xFF0000&image=https://www.pumatalk.com/flash_flv_player/video/balloons.jpg&fsreturnpage=flvplayer.html" /><br />
So any suggestions as to how I can get the video player to play in WordPress the same as my homepage with the preview image?
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