Flash resize in wordpress page
Hi people, I have a problem inserting a flash properly in a wordpress page and I would appreciate your help. First of all Im so sorry about grammar mistakes, im not good into english…
this is the page : https://santiagodn.es/curriculum/
as you can see i have a flash in the page. I have a flexible-width theme and I want the flash to fit with any resolution (at least above 1024x…). What I want is this:
– The flash using the 100% width of the page
– The flash aligned at the top using the necesaty vertical space(try resizing the firefox window to see the problem)
Ive tried several configurations, inserting the flash in a table…
using width=100% and height=100% doesnt work (show a little size)
using width 100% and static height (as now, 900 pixels) works well in some resolution (1280) but makes the flash contents center vertically (not filling all) at low resolution and centering horizontally at high resolution. Do you get the idea?I dont know if its a simple issue or i have to use javascript (how?) to resize the flash object on the fly knowing its proportions…
I will aprecciate any idea, thanks!!!
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