• Okay. I must say upgrading to 3.2 has been the worst thing I could have ever done. ?? I’ve been working hours to fix this. Still to no avail.

    Every site that I have upgraded now has a “Flash Of Unstyled Content” on every single page load.

    So I ended up not only uninstalling every single plugin but I deleted them as well. That didn’t work.

    So next I deleted the custom theme and activated Twenty Eleven.

    Still a “White Flash” on every single page.

    Then I went into my profile and unchecked “Show Admin Bar when viewing site.” This actually solved the problem of “White Flashes” in Twenty Eleven Theme.

    So I thought I had solved the problem. Then I reactivate my theme and the “White Flashes” are back.

    I’ve also tried the plugins, Auto Optimize, Scripts To Footer and Wp-SuperCache to no avail.

    30 of my sites using WP 3.1 are still just fine. No FOUC or any problems what so ever.

    But EVERY SINGLE site that has been upgraded has problems.

    Does anyone have a working solution for this?

    Do I have to delete my site and manually reinstall WP 3.1?

    This is a nightmare. It’s seems 3.2 was so where near ready for release.

    Please someone help. I’m dying here.

    PS. Please don’t close this thread until there is actually a working solution. I see a ton of closed threads on this subject with no solution.

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Sometimes we close threads when people have derailed them with unrelated issues to the point that we can’t help ANYONE in them anymore (which is why you hear me shouting at y’all to make your own topics).

    Can you link to a site with these white flashes? I’ve not noticed it on mine. https://ipstenu.org/ loads the data for me right away, no white flash.

    What theme are you using that’s having this issue?

    Have you tried turning off ALL your plugins?

    Thread Starter J777


    Have you tried turning off ALL your plugins?

    Not to be rude, but did you read what I wrote above?

    Every site that I have upgraded now has a “Flash Of Unstyled Content” on every single page load.

    So I ended up not only uninstalling every single plugin but I deleted them as well. That didn’t work.

    So next I deleted the custom theme and activated Twenty Eleven.

    Still a “White Flash” on every single page.

    Then I went into my profile and unchecked “Show Admin Bar when viewing site.” This actually solved the problem of “White Flashes” in Twenty Eleven Theme.

    So I thought I had solved the problem. Then I reactivate my theme and the “White Flashes” are back.

    I read somewhere else if I delete <?php wp_head(); ?> it would fix it. So I deleted <?php wp_head(); ?> and all the pages loaded perfect without the white flash between page loads. But some plugins dies. So I’m thinking it must me in the core. I just need to find out what new core scripts are causing the problem and delete them.

    Any suggestions?

    Thread Starter J777


    Can you link to a site with these white flashes? I’ve not noticed it on mine. https://ipstenu.org/ loads the data for me right away, no white flash.

    Actually your absolutely wrong. There is a split second flash of white on every single page load on your site. It looks really bad. Like the images are be reloaded every time a page loads instead of being cached. I’m surprised your didn’t notice it being the expert and all. I’m using the latest Firefox.

    But I must apologize. I don’t think you have enough experience to be working on this. I saw in another thread that you didn’t know about Fantastico.

    All my sits that are running the previous version of WordPress are seamless. When I change pages only the content area changes. It doesn’t reload the header, background and all the images over again like it does on your site. But with the latest wordpress there are problems.

    Posting a link to one of my sites in open forum is a bad idea. But I can make a video showing the difference on how it should be and how it is now…

    Until the internet becomes instant download you will always have to deal with “white flashes.” This is just the nature of the beast. You can decrease page load times by minifying JavaScript and CSS. Caching helps once the content is downloaded.

    The only time WordPress is seamless for me is when i have it setup on “localhost.”

    Thread Starter J777


    Until the internet becomes instant download you will always have to deal with “white flashes.”

    No. Your wrong.

    I have 30+ sites running WordPress right now.

    All the sites running 3.12 do not have the white flash.

    ONLY the sites running 3.2 have the white flashes.

    Did you not read everything I posted?

    WOW there are 100’s of people asking this question online and no answers. Amazing.

    Plugins are notorious for slowing things down, especially if they are initiated during the window.load state as I found out with jQuery. This is more likely then slow downloads, make sure you are not overdoing it on the scripts (PHP or JavaScript)

    PHP external connections can cause white flashes also if you are connecting outside your site.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Sorry, we’re getting a lot of tickets and while I DID read your post, I glossed over some.

    Wait … you mean that moment of white before anything loads? There’s no content at all in that moment as far as I can tell. I’m with Richard. I see THAT on every single page I’ve ever hit. Even att.com

    If you mean a page of unstyled content, we think of that as a page with text and no CSS to make it pretty.

    J777 – Link us to a page on 3.1.x that doesn’t have that white flash. Please?

    “White flash” is a effect caused by more than one problem which is why it can be difficult to figure out. There is the no-content flash which happens if you are not being sent or cannot download the content fast enough. There is also a flash that can occur if a php script is executing slowly.

    You said removing <?php wp_head(); ?> fixed the issue to your satisfaction? If so then you have script executing or downloading slowly. Check your scripts that are inserted via wp_head() are there any external scripts. If so check there response time it could be once of them.

    Thread Starter J777


    You said removing <?php wp_head(); ?> fixed the issue to your satisfaction? If so then you have script executing or downloading slowly. Check your scripts that are inserted via wp_head() are there any external scripts. If so check there response time it could be once of them.

    No plugins installed. No scripts installed. Just white flash with the new version.

    I’m going to try deleting stuff in wp-includes/functions.php to see if I can delete the new code WP inserted to screw things up.

    Anyone know where else WP might be hiding things it calls in ?php wp_head(); ?>

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    J777: I can’t reproduce your problem. The site ipstenu linked to above has no flash for me in either Chrome or Firefox.

    This may just be you, man.

    Sorry to butt in here, there is another topic on the Artisteer forum where this is happening on some themes not all, so it is not just one person, it looks to be while a file or image loads there is a clear empty screen before the html starts to load.

    It does not happen on local host only on production websites, and it is not FOUC ‘page of unstyled content’ it is a short burst delay before the page load kicks in.



    I see .. Occasional white blank entire page pre-load. (This is not uncommon.)

    Brief splash of white where the background image has not yet loaded and then flicks in after various content has been painted. (This I expect depends on various factors such as the css and the speed of your connection)

    Neither of the above would I expect to be significantly altered by a different version.

    Thread Starter J777



    No worries. I posted what your up to on 4chan. Along with your website.

    Deal with the Internets now.

    Thread Starter J777


    Okay I’m done with this forum.

    Most likely I’ll get banned for complaining about my posts about modifying the core getting deleted.

    Here’s a link to an unmoderated forum where we can continue discussion unrestricted.


    There are no mods. Only freedom.

    If anyone wants to see everything I wrote that was deleted. I’m putting it all up on it’s own website for eternity. For google and the whole world to see.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    For those wondering – I only deleted J777’s posts that were in other topics, as it’s very difficult to provide help to people when other people post similar but not the same problems. Since there was this topic, I felt J777 might be better helped if we stayed in one place for him.

    The white splash on my site is my APC cache, I suspect, but it’s so fast I rarely notice.

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