Flash Embed Bug: WP relocates Flash param tag
Hi! This is a very simple yet confounding bug several people have reported to me when using WordPress.
I create a new entry, type some text, switch to code view using the tab above the entry and paste this code:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="https://tokbox.com/f/dXiXnzsP7y" height="210" width="430"> <param name="movie" value="https://tokbox.com/f/dXiXnzsP7y"></param></object>
The result of the object embed is hit or miss. I save the entry and the site view falls completely apart below the flash object.
So, I reopen the entry and switch to the code view where I see that wordpress has done me the favor of moving the
tag OUTside the ‘object’ tag, like so:<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="https://tokbox.com/f/dXiXnzsP7y" height="210" width="430"></object> <param name="movie" value="https://tokbox.com/f/dXiXnzsP7y"></param>
My solution has been to cut and paste it back into the object tag and resave, which doesn’t work until i remove the tag altogether, save the entry without the object embed, then re-edit the entry, repaste the full proper code block in and resave. Phew.
I don’t want to tell my minions to install a WP plugin for flash. There’s no sense in that since most of them are not too technical. Instead I would prefer WP not remove the param tag from the object tag.
Is anyone out there aware/working on this problem?
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