• We use FlaGallery on our website https://www.peteranne.it for 3 years, no problems. On March 6 our Hoster moved us to a more secure server after instances of FTP hacking, and this generates the following errors:-
    1. while updating FlaGallery the update appears to hang…in fact it is OK, but you have to “repair permissions” to actually get the galleries working, otherwise you see a HTTP 500 error. Our Provider (not expert of WP and Flagallery, so please don’t be offended) says, “This is because WordPress (in this case Flagallery) assigns permissions wrongly”.
    2. We have a series of 403 crawl errors in Googlewebmasters that we never used to have: “Googlebot could not scan the URL because your server needs you to log on or blocks Googlebot”

    My questions:-
    1. what can we say to our Provider or alter in our FTP permissions to avoid these errors?
    2. if there is nothing we can do like this, how can we avoid these Googlebot errors? The actual galleries show up fine in Google’s cache, but after the migration (maybe it is just coincidence) we have seen our SEO rankings plummet, we want to fix all errors possible. We can?t use robots.txt, that would stop google seeing all our images (every one of 789 images is under the path wp-content/flagallery/)
    3. still related to SEO: Google Webmasters says we have 18 instances of the same title tag “The Lemon House – Bed & Breakfast and outdoor sports, Ogliastra, Sardinia” repeated
    /wp-content/plugins/flash-album-gallery/facebook.php?i=18 and another 16 times
    We use this facebook plugin to reproduce the galleries on our /it/ and /de/ subdomains of our multisite (the standard FlaGallery [flagallery gid=29 name=”Gallery”] only works on the top-level domain peteranne.it), how can we fix this repeated title tag SEO problem, please?



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  • Thread Starter peteranne


    Our Hoster tells us “probably the problems Googlebot has to navigate inside directories such as:
    are simplz due to there being no index file with a listing of the files present in each single directory. The URL is “Forbidden” because there is no index (.php o .html) file. Automatic directory listing is disabled for security reasons. Automatic directory listing is disabled for security reasons, hackers can use it, most providers disable it. You can create a PHP script and put it in each folder to create a listing of images, this would work

    //identifica il percorso della Directory (non modificare)
    $path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
    // effettua parsing della path (non modificare)
    $path_parts = pathinfo($path);
    // apre la directory (non modificare)
    $dir_handle = @opendir($path_parts['dirname']) or die("Impossibile aprire ".$path_parts['dirname']);
    // stampa un messaggio (personalizzabile)
    echo "<h3>Immagini .jpg/.gif/.png presenti nella Directory</b>:</h3><hr>";
    // crea l'output con l'elenco dei files .gif/jpg/png
    while ($file = readdir($dir_handle))
     // mostra tutti i file esclusi quelli specificati (personalizzabile)
     if($file!="." && $file!=".." && $file!="index.php" && $file!="img-listing.php") {
                     // mostra solo i files con estensione .gif/jpg/png (personalizzabile)
                     if (strpos($file, '.gif',1)||strpos($file, '.jpg',1)||strpos($file, '.png',1)) {
                      echo "? <a href='$file'>$file</a>";}
    echo "Fine!";
    // chiude la Directory (non modificare)

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    We think it’s odd that on your site (me: with the Flagallery plugin) there are links which point to directories without an index.”

    What do you think to this workaround? It shouldn’t be overwritten when we upgrade the flagallery Plugin, correct?
    thanks Peter

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