• My site has 71 errors and 49 warnings, is there a plugin that would correct these issues. Or perhaps a service that would fix these issues for me. I can’t manually do this myself..entirely too much code and risk of destroying my site. Any recommendations are appreciated. my site is https://www.industryfokery.com

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  • Yikes. LOL. Actually though a lot of the time when just one little thing is written wrong it will throw out a ton of errors. That doesn’t mean that there’s 71 things that need to be fixed. I’m betting the very first error it’s showing is due to that ampersand. Typically if you’re going to write an ampersand you’d use & instead of just &. Try just taking r&b out and see if it gets rid of that error, or replace the & with &

    <form role=”search” It’s right, there is no such thing as “role”.

    Then a lot of the things it’s mad about is the TweetMe button. The actual url is causing errors. But you can fix that by using a url rewrite service like tinyurl.com to rewrite it smaller and without errors.

    That should get rid of at least half of your errors lol.

    In a few spots it’s mad because you reuse the same ID more than once, like in your search form. You are only supposed to use an ID once, or use a class if more than once.

    Thread Starter sozemediagroup


    Dude thanks, I seriously got this sit down to around 38 errors..looking to finally get rid of them all. Also what exactly is the point of having no errors on validator, does it help with pagerank or something else?

    Ok I fixed the R&B issue at large, now i’m stunted on 34 errors, one of the more popular seems to be my adsense code..there truly isn’t much I can do about that with the limited knowledge I have. Jessn I would seriously appreciate a tad more help with the ones that are left if that wouldn’t be considered asking too much. I’ve eliminated several plugins that created errors now i’m stuck on errors for the equal symbol that goes into some of my embed codes and also the one of the dash’s in my url. Completely ran into a brick wall on some of these.

    Ok first take out role=”search” from the search code
    <form role=”search” method=”get”

    In the twitter button on the sidebar you need to add an alt tag
    <img src="https://www.twitterbuttons.com/images/lbn/twitterbutton-0201.gif" title="By: sozemediagroup.com" width="120" height="90" alt="" />

    You have two search forms on your site with the same ID, and if you’re going to have more than one of the same thing that ID needs to be a class. So change this in two places from this:
    form role="search" method="get" id="searchform"
    to this:
    form role="search" method="get" class="searchform"

    Then in the input box from the search you have to give one of them a new name since both are named “s”. So just change one to something else.
    <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" />

    A lot of problems being caused by the Adsense code and I don’t know what to tell you about that. Try googling WordPress adsense code won’t validate to see if someone else has come up with a solution.

    It doesn’t quite like that Akismet image. I can’t really see why though. It seems to think there’s a div in the wrong place…

    Ok then your “Links” in the sidebar is repeated twice, and both have the same ID. <li id="linkcat-953" So if you can change that ID on one of them or maybe take out one of the Links listings.

    The rest of it seems to be caused by the Adsense.

    Hope that helps!

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