• Resolved harvoolio


    The functionality of the DataTools extension works on mbaprepadvantage.net. But I cannot style the icons even with using !important tags. Presently, the icons appear as a faded grey.

    I even used code I found online but I cannot change the color with color:#333333 !important;. I also cannot find a way to center the icons (I can make them float left or presently right).

    -moz-border-bottom-colors:none !important;
    -moz-border-left-colors:none !important;
    -moz-border-right-colors:none !important;
    -moz-border-top-colors:none !important;
    background-color:#F5F5F5 !important;
    background-image:none !important;
    border-color:#BBBBBB #BBBBBB #A2A2A2 !important;
    border-radius:2px !important;
    border-style:solid !important;
    border-width:1px !important;
    box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) inset, 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) !important;
    color:#333333 !important;
    cursor:pointer !important;
    display:inline-block !important;
    font-size:12px !important;
    line-height:14px !important;
    margin-bottom:0 !important;
    padding:4px 12px !important;
    text-align:center !important;
    text-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75) !important;
    vertical-align:middle !important;


    {background-color:#E6E6E6 !important; }



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  • Thread Starter harvoolio


    One more thing. Is there any easy way to use WordPress’s dashicons instead as I am using these elsewhere (up and down arrows in my section headers)? Thanks.

    Thread Starter harvoolio


    Sorry so many posts. Actually I would love to just use the icons that are on the database tools website that just say copy, csv, excel, pdf and print (instead of the graphics) – https://datatables.net/extensions/tabletools/. Is there a way to easily use this?


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    Using the text buttons is probably the best choice here, indeed. For that, you’ll need to make a small code change in the PHP file of the Extension.
    Please try commenting out line 60 and un-comment line 58 in the tablepress-datatables-tabletools.php file.


    Thread Starter harvoolio


    Thanks Tobias. This one I had already figured out on my own. I removed one !important from the TableTools.min.css and changed tablepress-datatables-tabletools.php to

    $tabletools_options = ‘{ “sSwfPath”: “‘ . $swf_path . ‘”, “aButtons”: [ “copy”, “print”, { “sExtends”: “collection”, “sButtonText”: “Save”, “aButtons”: [ “csv”, “xls”, “pdf” ] } ] }’;

    $command = “var {$table_name} = {$command}, {$tabletools_name} = new TableTools({$table_name}, {$tabletools_options}); $(‘#{$table_wrapper}’).after({$tabletools_name}.dom.container);”;

    For the last piece of code I changed the before to an after. Is there anyway to move the buttons below the Table Description if the Description is set to bottom?


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    very nice! Great to hear that this worked!

    Unfortunately, I don’t see a quick possibility to move those buttons below the table description. The reason for that is that the description uses another HTML element which comes after the DOM container that holds the table and the buttons ??


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