Fixes for crossword not loading (sometimes) and automatic next square selection
We’re copying the code here to fix latest bugs in crossword.js file. Implement this if you can in the next release, it fixes two most important bugs that affect UX.
if (document.getElementById("wha-crossword")) { //---------------------------------// // GLOBAL VARIABLES // //---------------------------------// /* Start Options Page Variables */ var bgColor = crossword_vars.whacw_bg_color; var borderColor = crossword_vars.whacw_border_color; var txtColor = crossword_vars.whacw_txt_color; var crossword_ansver_var = crossword_vars.whacw_ansver; var crossword_ansver_incorect = crossword_vars.whacw_ansver_incorect; var crossword_align_question = crossword_vars.whacw_align_question; var crossword_width_question = crossword_vars.whacw_question_width; var crossword_question_color = crossword_vars.whacw_question_txt_color; var counter_color = crossword_vars.whacw_counter_color; /* End Options Page Variables */ /* Start Optional vars */ var useGlobalOptions = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_use_global_options; var optional_bgColor = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_optional_bg_color; var optional_borderColor = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_optional_border_color; var optional_textColor = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_optional_text_color; var optional_questionColor = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_optional_question_color; var optional_counterColor = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_optional_counter_color; var correct_ansver_var = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_correct_ansver; var incorrect_ansver = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_incorrect_ansver; var align_question = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_align_question; var question_width = optional_crossword_vars.whacw_question_width; var crossword_ansver = 'yes'; var correct_ansver = 'yes'; /* End Optional vars */ var board, wordArr, wordBank, wordsActive, mode; var Bounds = { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, Update: function (x, y) { = Math.min(y,; this.right = Math.max(x, this.right); this.bottom = Math.max(y, this.bottom); this.left = Math.min(x, this.left); }, Clean: function () { = 999; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.left = 999; } }; //---------------------------------// // MAIN // //---------------------------------// function Play() { var letterArr = document.getElementsByClassName('wha-letter'); for (var i = 0; i < letterArr.length; i++) { if (useGlobalOptions == 'yes') { letterArr[i].innerHTML = "<input " + "class='wha-char' " + "type='text' " + "maxlength='1' " + "style='" + "color:#" + txtColor + ";" + "'" + "></input>"; } else { letterArr[i].innerHTML = "<input " + "class='wha-char' " + "type='text' " + "maxlength='1' " + "style='" + "color:#" + optional_textColor + ";" + "'" + "></input>"; } } mode = 0; ToggleInputBoxes(false); jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter.wha-first').each(function (index, value) { var r = jQuery(this).attr('data-c'); jQuery(this).append("<div class='wha-counter'>" + r.replace(' , ', ',').replace(/ /g,'') + "</div>"); }); } function Create() { if (mode === 0) { ToggleInputBoxes(true); document.getElementById("wha-crossword").innerHTML = BoardToHtml(" "); mode = 1; } else { GetWordsFromInput(); for (var i = 0, isSuccess = false; i < 10 && !isSuccess; i++) { CleanVars(); isSuccess = PopulateBoard(); } document.getElementById("wha-crossword").innerHTML = (isSuccess) ? BoardToHtml(" ") : "Failed to find crossword."; } } function ToggleInputBoxes(active) { var w = document.getElementsByClassName('wha-word'), d = document.getElementsByClassName('wha-clue'); for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++) { if (active === true) { RemoveClass(w[i], 'wha-hide'); RemoveClass(d[i], 'wha-clueReadOnly'); d[i].disabled = ''; } else { AddClass(w[i], 'wha-hide'); AddClass(d[i], 'wha-clueReadOnly'); d[i].disabled = 'readonly'; } } } function GetWordsFromInput() { wordArr = []; for (var i = 0, val, w = document.getElementsByClassName("wha-word"); i < w.length; i++) { val = w[i].value.toUpperCase(); if (val !== null && val.length > 1) { wordArr.push(val); } } } function CleanVars() { Bounds.Clean(); wordBank = []; wordsActive = []; board = []; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { board.push([]); for (var j = 0; j < 32; j++) { board[i].push(null); } } } function PopulateBoard() { PrepareBoard(); for (var i = 0, isOk = true, len = wordBank.length; i < len && isOk; i++) { isOk = AddWordToBoard(); } return isOk; } function PrepareBoard() { wordBank = []; for (var i = 0, len = wordArr.length; i < len; i++) { wordBank.push(new WordObj(wordArr[i])); } for (i = 0; i < wordBank.length; i++) { for (var j = 0, wA = wordBank[i]; j < wA.char.length; j++) { for (var k = 0, cA = wA.char[j]; k < wordBank.length; k++) { for (var l = 0, wB = wordBank[k]; k !== i && l < wB.char.length; l++) { wA.totalMatches += (cA === wB.char[l]) ? 1 : 0; } } } } } // TODO: Clean this guy up function AddWordToBoard() { var i, len, curIndex, curWord, curChar, curMatch, testWord, testChar, minMatchDiff = 9999, curMatchDiff; if (wordsActive.length < 1) { curIndex = 0; for (i = 0, len = wordBank.length; i < len; i++) { if (wordBank[i].totalMatches < wordBank[curIndex].totalMatches) { curIndex = i; } } wordBank[curIndex].successfulMatches = [{x: 12, y: 12, dir: 0}]; } else { curIndex = -1; for (i = 0, len = wordBank.length; i < len; i++) { curWord = wordBank[i]; curWord.effectiveMatches = 0; curWord.successfulMatches = []; for (var j = 0, lenJ = curWord.char.length; j < lenJ; j++) { curChar = curWord.char[j]; for (var k = 0, lenK = wordsActive.length; k < lenK; k++) { testWord = wordsActive[k]; for (var l = 0, lenL = testWord.char.length; l < lenL; l++) { testChar = testWord.char[l]; if (curChar === testChar) { curWord.effectiveMatches++; var curCross = {x: testWord.x, y: testWord.y, dir: 0}; if (testWord.dir === 0) { curCross.dir = 1; curCross.x += l; curCross.y -= j; } else { curCross.dir = 0; curCross.y += l; curCross.x -= j; } var isMatch = true; for (var m = -1, lenM = curWord.char.length + 1; m < lenM; m++) { var crossVal = []; if (m !== j) { if (curCross.dir === 0) { var xIndex = curCross.x + m; if (xIndex < 0 || xIndex >= board.length) { isMatch = false; break; } crossVal.push(board[xIndex][curCross.y]); crossVal.push(board[xIndex][curCross.y + 1]); crossVal.push(board[xIndex][curCross.y - 1]); } else { var yIndex = curCross.y + m; if (yIndex < 0 || yIndex > board[curCross.x].length) { isMatch = false; break; } crossVal.push(board[curCross.x][yIndex]); crossVal.push(board[curCross.x + 1][yIndex]); crossVal.push(board[curCross.x - 1][yIndex]); } if (m > -1 && m < lenM - 1) { if (crossVal[0] !== curWord.char[m]) { if (crossVal[0] !== null) { isMatch = false; break; } else if (crossVal[1] !== null) { isMatch = false; break; } else if (crossVal[2] !== null) { isMatch = false; break; } } } else if (crossVal[0] !== null) { isMatch = false; break; } } } if (isMatch === true) { curWord.successfulMatches.push(curCross); } } } } } curMatchDiff = curWord.totalMatches - curWord.effectiveMatches; if (curMatchDiff < minMatchDiff && curWord.successfulMatches.length > 0) { curMatchDiff = minMatchDiff; curIndex = i; } else if (curMatchDiff <= 0) { return false; } } } if (curIndex === -1) { return false; } var spliced = wordBank.splice(curIndex, 1); wordsActive.push(spliced[0]); var pushIndex = wordsActive.length - 1, rand = Math.random(), matchArr = wordsActive[pushIndex].successfulMatches, matchIndex = Math.floor(rand * matchArr.length), matchData = matchArr[matchIndex]; wordsActive[pushIndex].x = matchData.x; wordsActive[pushIndex].y = matchData.y; wordsActive[pushIndex].dir = matchData.dir; for (i = 0, len = wordsActive[pushIndex].char.length; i < len; i++) { var xIndex = matchData.x, yIndex = matchData.y; if (matchData.dir === 0) { xIndex += i; board[xIndex][yIndex] = wordsActive[pushIndex].char[i]; } else { yIndex += i; board[xIndex][yIndex] = wordsActive[pushIndex].char[i]; } Bounds.Update(xIndex, yIndex); } return true; } function BoardToHtml(blank) { for (var i = - 1, str = ""; i < Bounds.bottom + 2; i++) { str += "<div class='wha-row'>"; for (var j = Bounds.left - 1; j < Bounds.right + 2; j++) { str += BoardCharToElement(board[j][i], j, i); } str += "</div>"; } return str; } function BoardCharToElement(c, j, i) { var s = ''; var co = ''; var el = ''; var counter = ''; var arr1 = []; var arr1_el = []; for (var m = 0; m < wordsActive.length; m++) { if (wordsActive[m].x == j && wordsActive[m].y == i) { s = 'wha-first'; el = m; arr1_el.push(el); for (var g = 0, val, w = document.getElementsByClassName("wha-word"); g < w.length; g++) { val = w[g].value.toUpperCase(); if (val == wordsActive[m].string) { co = parseInt(w[g].dataset['counter']); arr1.push(co); } } } } arr1.reverse(); var arr = (c) ? ['wha-square', 'wha-letter ' + s] : ['wha-square']; var arr_x = (c) ? [j] : ['']; var arr_y = (c) ? [i] : ['']; var arr_el = (c) ? [arr1_el.join(',')] : ['']; return EleStr('div', [{a: 'class', v: arr}, {a: 'data-c', v: arr1.join(',')}, {a: 'data-x', v: arr_x}, { a: 'data-y', v: arr_y }, {a: 'data-el', v: arr_el}], c); } //---------------------------------// // OBJECT DEFINITIONS // //---------------------------------// function WordObj(stringValue) { this.string = stringValue; this.char = stringValue.split(""); this.totalMatches = 0; this.effectiveMatches = 0; this.successfulMatches = []; } //---------------------------------// // EVENTS // //---------------------------------// function RegisterEvents() { document.getElementById("wha-crossword").onfocus = function () { return false; }; /*document.getElementById("btnCreate").addEventListener('click',Create,false); document.getElementById("btnPlay").addEventListener('click',Play,false);*/ } RegisterEvents(); //---------------------------------// // HELPER FUNCTIONS // //---------------------------------// function EleStr(e, c, h) { h = (h) ? h : ""; for (var i = 0, s = "<" + e + " "; i < c.length; i++) { s += c[i].a + "='" + ArrayToString(c[i].v, " ") + "' "; } return (s + ">" + h + "</" + e + ">"); } function ArrayToString(a, s) { if (a === null || a.length < 1) return ""; if (s === null) s = ","; for (var r = a[0], i = 1; i < a.length; i++) { r += s + a[i]; } return r; } function AddClass(ele, classStr) { ele.className = ele.className.replaceAll(' ' + classStr, '') + ' ' + classStr; } function RemoveClass(ele, classStr) { ele.className = ele.className.replaceAll(' ' + classStr, ''); } function ToggleClass(ele, classStr) { var str = ele.className.replaceAll(' ' + classStr, ''); ele.className = (str.length === ele.className.length) ? str + ' ' + classStr : str; } String.prototype.replaceAll = function (replaceThis, withThis) { var re = new RegExp(replaceThis, "g"); return this.replace(re, withThis); }; //---------------------------------// // INITIAL LOAD // //---------------------------------// Create(); Play(); jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery(".wha-square.wha-letter .wha-char").keyup(function (event) { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').removeClass('wha-correct'); jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').removeClass('wha-error'); jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter.wha-first').each(function (i, elem) { var el_i = jQuery(elem)[0].dataset.el; var arr_el = el_i.split(','); for (var v = 0; v < arr_el.length; v++) { var el = arr_el[v]; var arr = wordsActive[el]; var arr_char = arr.char; var dir = arr.dir; var x = arr.x; var y = arr.y; var c = jQuery(elem)[0].dataset.c; var df = ''; var flag_empty = ''; var flag_correct = true; if (dir == 0) { df = x; } else { df = y; } if (dir == 0) { var index = 0; for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { var it = jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] .wha-char').val().toUpperCase(); if (it) { if (it != arr_char[index]) { flag_correct = false; } } else { flag_empty = 'empty'; } index++; } } else { var index = 0; for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { var it = jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] .wha-char').val().toUpperCase(); if (it) { if (it != arr_char[index]) { flag_correct = false; } } else { flag_empty = 'empty'; } index++; } } if (useGlobalOptions == 'yes') { if (flag_empty != 'empty' && flag_correct == true) { if (dir == 0 && crossword_ansver == 'yes') { //gorizontale /* added check if crossword_ansver value 'yes' */ for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { if (crossword_ansver_var == 'yes') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "#b3ffb4"}); } else { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "none"}); } } } else { //verticale for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { if (crossword_ansver_var == 'yes') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "#b3ffb4"}); } else { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "none"}); } } } } /* added check if crossword_ansver value 'no' */ if (crossword_ansver == 'no') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').removeClass('wha-correct'); } if (flag_empty != 'empty' && flag_correct == false) { if (dir == 0 && crossword_ansver_incorect == 'yes') { /* added check if crossword_ansver_incorect value 'yes' */ for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] ').addClass('wha-error'); } } else { for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] ').addClass('wha-error'); } } } /* added check if crossword_ansver_incorect value 'no' */ if (crossword_ansver_incorect == 'no') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').removeClass('wha-error'); } } else { if (flag_empty != 'empty' && flag_correct == true) { if (dir == 0 && correct_ansver == 'yes') { //gorizontale /* added check if crossword_ansver value 'yes' */ for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { if (correct_ansver_var == 'yes') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "#b3ffb4"}); } else { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "none"}); } } } else { //verticale for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { if (correct_ansver_var == 'yes') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "#b3ffb4"}); } else { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] ').addClass('wha-correct').css({"background-color": "none"}); } } } } /* added check if crossword_ansver value 'no' */ if (correct_ansver == 'no') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').removeClass('wha-correct'); } if (flag_empty != 'empty' && flag_correct == false) { if (dir == 0 && incorrect_ansver == 'yes') { /* added check if crossword_ansver_incorect value 'yes' */ for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-x="' + z + '"][data-y="' + y + '"] ').addClass('wha-error'); } } else { for (var z = df; z < arr_char.length + df; z++) { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter[data-y="' + z + '"][data-x="' + x + '"] ').addClass('wha-error'); } } } /* added check if crossword_ansver_incorect value 'no' */ if (incorrect_ansver == 'no') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').removeClass('wha-error'); } } } }); if (jQuery(".wha-square.wha-letter").length == jQuery(".wha-square.wha-letter.wha-correct").length) { jQuery('#overlay').fadeIn(400, function () { jQuery('#modal_form') .css('display', 'block') .animate({opacity: 1, top: '50%'}, 200); }); } }); /* Added check for crrosword questin align */ if (useGlobalOptions == 'yes') { if (crossword_align_question == 'left') { jQuery('.crossword_wrapper').css('flex-direction', 'row-reverse'); } else if (crossword_align_question == 'right') { jQuery('.crossword_wrapper').css('flex-direction', 'row'); } else if (crossword_align_question == 'bottom') { jQuery('.crossword_wrapper').css('flex-direction', 'column'); } } else { if (align_question == 'left') { jQuery('.crossword_wrapper').css('flex-direction', 'row-reverse'); } else if (align_question == 'right') { jQuery('.crossword_wrapper').css('flex-direction', 'row'); } else if (align_question == 'bottom') { jQuery('.crossword_wrapper').css('flex-direction', 'column'); } } /* Added Question block width */ if (useGlobalOptions == 'yes') { jQuery('.wha-crossword-questions').css('max-width', crossword_width_question + 'px'); } else { jQuery('.wha-crossword-questions').css('max-width', question_width + 'px'); } /* Added border-color and background color for crosswords squares */ if (useGlobalOptions == 'yes') { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').css({ 'border-color': '#' + borderColor, 'background-color': '#' + bgColor }); jQuery('.wha-crossword-questions .wha-line .wha-clue').css('color', '#' + crossword_question_color); jQuery('.wha-crossword .wha-counter').css('color', '#' + counter_color); } else { jQuery('.wha-square.wha-letter').css({ 'border-color': '#' + optional_borderColor, 'background-color': '#' + optional_bgColor }); jQuery('.wha-crossword-questions .wha-line .wha-clue').css('color', '#' + optional_questionColor); jQuery('.wha-crossword .wha-counter').css('color', '#' + optional_counterColor); } // Close modal window --- jQuery('#modal_close, #overlay').click(function () { var src = jQuery('#modal_form iframe').attr('src'); jQuery('#modal_form iframe').attr('src', ''); jQuery('#modal_form iframe').attr('src', src); jQuery('#modal_form') .animate({opacity: 0, top: '45%'}, 200, function () { jQuery(this).css('display', 'none'); jQuery('#overlay').fadeOut(400); } ); }); }); //---------- Move, Delete, Update Chars in Fields of Crossword ----------// jQuery(document).ready(function () { lastMoveDirection = null; // Change cursor jQuery('.wha-char').hover(function () { if (jQuery(this).val() == '') { jQuery(this).css({'cursor': 'text'}); } else { jQuery(this).css({'cursor': 'pointer'}); } }, function () { }); // Selected char jQuery('.wha-char').on('click touchstart', function () {; this.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); }); // Delete & move arrow jQuery('.wha-char').on('keydown', function (e) { var datax = parseInt(jQuery(this).parent().attr('data-x')); var datay = parseInt(jQuery(this).parent().attr('data-y')); // Delete value if (e.which == 46 || e.which == 8) { e.preventDefault(); this.value = ''; // Move X if (jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').length > 0) { if (jQuery(window).width() > 769) { jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus(); } } // Move Y else { var x = jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').attr('data-x'); if (jQuery(window).width() > 769) { jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').focus(); } } } // Left arrow if (e.which == 37) { datax--; jQuery(this).parent().siblings('[data-x = "' + datax + '"][data-y = "' + datay + '"]').find('input').focus(); } // Right arrow if (e.which == 39) { datax++; jQuery(this).parent().siblings('[data-x = "' + datax + '"][data-y = "' + datay + '"]').find('input').focus(); } // Up arrow if (e.which == 38) { datay--; jQuery(this).parent().parent().prev().find('[data-x = "' + datax + '"][data-y = "' + datay + '"]').find('input').focus(); } // Down arrow if (e.which == 40) { datay++; jQuery(this).parent().parent().next().find('[data-x = "' + datax + '"][data-y = "' + datay + '"]').find('input').focus(); } }); // Move cursor when print user function GetIEVersion() { var sAgent = window.navigator.userAgent; var Idx = sAgent.indexOf("MSIE"); // If IE, return version number. if (Idx > 0) return parseInt(sAgent.substring(Idx + 5, sAgent.indexOf(".", Idx))); // If IE 11 then look for Updated user agent string. else if (!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/7\./)) return 11; else return 0; //It is not IE } if (jQuery(window).width() < 769) { var elems = document.getElementById('wha-crossword').childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { var div = elems[i].childNodes; for (var j = 0; j < div.length; j++) { var div_ch = div[j].childNodes; for (var k = 0; k < div_ch.length; k++) { if (div_ch[k].nodeName == "INPUT") { div_ch[k].addEventListener('input', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Move X if (lastMoveDirection == 'x' && this.parentNode.nextSibling.classList.contains('wha-letter')) { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; this.parentNode.nextSibling.querySelector(".wha-char").focus(); this.parentNode.nextSibling.querySelector(".wha-char").setSelectionRange(0, 99999); } // Move Y else { lastMoveDirection = 'y'; var x = this.parentNode.getAttribute('data-x'); if (jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').length > 0) { var range = jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input'); range.focus(); range.get(0).setSelectionRange(0, 99999); } else { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; this.parentNode.nextSibling.querySelector(".wha-char").focus(); this.parentNode.nextSibling.querySelector(".wha-char").setSelectionRange(0, 99999); } } }, false); } } } } } // Desktop else { if (GetIEVersion() > 0) { jQuery('.wha-char').on('keyup', function (e) { var x = jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').attr('data-x'); // Change data in input field if (window.getSelection && window.getSelection().toString() != '') { if (lastMoveDirection == 'x' && jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } else { if (jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'y'; jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').focus().select(); } else { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } } } else { // Move X if (lastMoveDirection == 'x' && jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } // Move Y else { if (jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'y'; jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').focus().select(); } else { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } } } }); } else { jQuery('.wha-char').on('keypress', function (e) { var x = jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').attr('data-x'); // Change data in input field if (window.getSelection && window.getSelection().toString() != '') { if (lastMoveDirection == 'x' && jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } else { if (jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'y'; jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').focus().select(); } else { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).val(e.char).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } } } else { // Move X if (lastMoveDirection == 'x' && jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } // Move Y else { if (jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').length > 0) { lastMoveDirection = 'y'; jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').parent('div.wha-row').next('div.wha-row').find('[data-x="' + x + '"]').find('input').focus().select(); } else { lastMoveDirection = 'x'; jQuery(this).parent('div.wha-letter').next('div.wha-letter').find('input').focus().select(); } } } }); } } // Focus input counter jQuery('.wha-letter').hover( function () { jQuery(this).find('.wha-counter').hide() }, function () { jQuery(this).find('.wha-counter').show() } ); }); //--- End block ---// }
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