• Ok first off I’m rubbish at coding so can’t work out how this has been done. I did however have a look at the source code and notice that it is based on a k2 theme.

    The thing I really like about this page is that the header doesn’t move and you also have the static area to the right (with guest list and the ad in it).

    So to the questions, as you might expect.

    How have they done that, the static header and static space to the right?

    Is there a wordpress theme already layed out like this, if so which one?

    I’d try to de-construct it myself to see how it’s done but know that the code wouldn’t mean a thing to me, unfortunately.

    So over to the experts…

    Here’s the link.


    Thanks for your help.

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  • .testclass {
      position: fixed;
    <div class="testclass">
      <p>Hey, i'm a header</p>

    That’s all.

    Thread Starter mochdremat


    Thank you for the reply.

    Hmmmmm sorry like I said very bad with code. Where would this go?

    Any ideas on how to create the space on the right?

    Do you want to make your own Theme, or is it for a normal website?

    For WP:


    .JustAName {
      position: fixed;

    and this in your index.php or whereever you want it

    <div class="testclass">
      Hey, i'm a header

    It’s hard to explain w/o seeing your code.

    Thread Starter mochdremat


    Ideally I want to be able to customise a theme as much as I can.

    I’d like to have a page like the defunktion one.

    I’ve tried to create something like it with my limited knowledge but could only achieve the blog within a page thing by using an iframe.

    The thing I don’t like about this is the two scroll bars.

    I really like the fact that on the defunktion site the header is always in the same position. The content scrolls with just the scroll bar on the window, and then there is the space on the right that I could use to put an about section on.

    If you take a look at https://www.yeswedoesnt.com you can get a rough idea of what I am trying to do.

    This is the content I want on the site I’d just like the layout to mirror defunktion.

    Thanks for your help, it’s very much appreciated.

    Thread Starter mochdremat


    I should have said that I’m working on a mac and have looked at yeswedoesnt in safari and firefox only so the chances are the layout may be a bit off in explorer (if indeed that is what you use).

    Ich merke grad, dass du ja deutsch sprichst und ich werde nun einfach mal in deutsch supporten, da es wesentlich einfacher ist fuer mich.

    — I will support im hin german, because it’s easyer for me, sorry!

    Iframe ist auch eine M?glichkeit, sollte heutzutage aber m?glichst nicht mehr genutzt werden. Was du machen k?nntest w?re das ganze via <?php include(wordpress/index.php) ?> zu regeln, wobei ich dir dann nicht sagen kann, ob auch WordPress noch einwandfrei funktioniert.

    Ameinfachsten w?re das Ganze, wenn du deinen Theme direkt in WordPress einbaust. Es ist nicht sonderlich schwer. Immerhin hattest du schon so weit Ahnung, deinen Theme in HTML umzubauen ??

    So sonderlich schwer w?re das auch nicht. Tutorial, wir man seinen eigenen Theme erstellt, findet man im Internet reichlich und hier auf www.remarpro.com natürlich auch. Wenn du dann deinen Theme an WordPress angepasst hast, ist auch der fixierte Header kein Problem mehr.

    Thread Starter mochdremat



    Unfortunately my German is a lot like my coding and is quite poor. I have only lived in Germany (Hamburg) for a year and spoke no German when I moved over. I have quite a good foundation but am by no means fluent.

    I had no idea about Dativ, Akkusativ etc which has made learning much harder.

    Unlike my girlfriend and my business partner, who are both Germans and helped out with the German on the site (and the bits of your last post I didn’t understand.

    So sorry my reply is in English.

    If I can apply your tip for the header to any wordpress theme then I can do that. Stripping down the theme I used in the iframe was a process of try it and see what happens. I did get there in the end though.

    So if I have the header issue sorted with the code you supplied that is great.

    All I need now is to find a way to add a static space to the right of the side bar. I want to have this space so that I can drop in the ‘about us’ swf and another swf for navigation on the ‘work’ page.

    Do you have any idea how I could do this.

    I’m about to look in to creating my own theme as well so maybe I will come across something.

    Danke noch einmal. Ich verstehe Deutsch besser als ich schreibe. Falls du noch mehr tips hast schreib ruhig weider auf Deutsch.

    Ok, dann mach ich in deutsch weiter ?? Du kannst natürlich auch die .swf Datei in deine sidebar.php einbinden. Wenn du m?chtest, dass die Datei dann an einem fixierten Punkt ist, kannst du das genauso wie mit dem Header machen.


    <div style="position: fixed;">
      .swf-Code blah blah

    Thread Starter mochdremat


    I just found a theme called modernpaper that I think I can work with.

    I just now need to make the header and the sidebar furthest to the right static and it should be what I want.

    Thread Starter mochdremat


    Looks as though we both put a post up at the same time so I missed your last post.

    I just asked about the sidebar in a seperate post on the forum.

    Looks as though you have already solved it for me.

    Thank you very much for your help. I’ll try it out and hope for the best.

    I’ll get back to you if if works or not.

    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Ok here comes an update.

    I downloaded the modernpaper theme and then today have started the process of customising it to fit my needs.

    I’ve got surprisingly quite far, however (and wouldn’t you know it) I have a new problem.

    I’ve managed to make both the header and the sidebar to the right fixed. This is great and just what I want.

    Unfortunately it means that when you make the browser window bigger the logo remains in the top left where as all the content below moves.

    Even the sidebar I’ve fixed in position moves with the browser window but the logo in the header doesn’t.

    Is there a way that I can have the header fixed but have it so that the logo in the header moves with the content when the browser window moves? Like a floating logo I suppose.

    Here is the url so you can see what I mean….


    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I don’t know if it works, just try it. Set the width of your header img to a %-Value.

    Never tried this before^^

    I think I may have found another way. I just discovered a Three column Kubrick theme that has two side bars to the right. (I love the internet!)

    I know that it has a floating header so will try and customise this theme.

    Thanks to your advice making things fixed is no longer a problem so I can do that.

    I’ll cross my fingers and give it a go.

    Thread Starter mochdremat


    So here is the latest update and as much as I hate to say it probably my last post.

    I used the Three Column Kubrick theme that I found and played about with it to get this…


    A few more adjustments and it’ll be just as I want it.

    Thank you again for your help and suggestions.

    I couldn’t have done it without you.

    All the best.


    There are some mistakes in IE. Fore example the header and navi aren’t fixed and there are 2 gray borders beside the header.

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