• Hello,

    I had an issue – the plugin didn’t work:

    Wordpress: 4.9.5
    Woocommerce: 3.3.5
    Express Checkout: 3.0.3

    Change I made to get it to work:
    includes/class-express-checkout.php:235 :

    public function ex_after_redirect($data, $errors) {
    $errors_count = sizeof($errors->errors);
    if (isset($_POST[‘payment_method’]) && ‘express_checkout’ === $_POST[‘payment_method’] && $this->express_checkout_utility->ex_notice_count(‘error’) == 0 && $errors_count == 0 ) {
    WC()->session->post_data = $_POST;

    Notice the use of “$error_count”.
    Change line 133 acordingly:

    add_action(‘woocommerce_after_checkout_validation’, array($this, ‘ex_after_redirect’),10,2);

    To the developer: please integrate it in the next version.

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