Dear @lrx26,
Thank you for your topic.
Regarding your request, I would like to note that various issues may occur from the fixed height.
That is why the height of the sections are displaying dynamic, based on their individual dimensions.
But in case you want to fix the height, at the moment the only possible solution for you can be the custom CSS.
Special for you, our Development Team provided a CSS code, by using which you will be able to reach your desired result.
Please, note that you will need to add your Survey ID in the YOUR_SURVEY_ID part.
That is, if the ID is 4, then it must look like this div[id*=”ays-survey-container-4″]
div[id="ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID"], div[id="ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID"],
div[id="ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID"] .ays-survey-section-content, div[id="ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID"] .ays-survey-section-content > .ays-survey-section-questions,
div[id*="ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID"] .ays-survey-section-header{
height: 500px !important;
div[id*="ays-survey-container-YOUR_SURVEY_ID"] .ays-survey-section-content > .ays-survey-section-questions {
background: #fff;
Please, check again and let us know about the outcome.
Thank you.