Thank you very much, I really appreciate your kind help, THANK YOU!!
I am sorry , but I don’t know anything of css and html code. Where do I have to insert this? At the beginning of index.php template?
This is what I have in this index.php :
* The main template file. Includes the loop.
* @package Customizr
* @since Customizr 1.0
<?php do_action( ‘__before_main_wrapper’ ); ##hook of the header with get_header ?>
<div id=”main-wrapper” class=”<?php echo implode(‘ ‘, apply_filters( ‘tc_main_wrapper_classes’ , array(‘container’) ) ) ?>”>
<?php do_action( ‘__before_main_container’ ); ##hook of the featured page (priority 10) and breadcrumb (priority 20)…and whatever you need! ?>
<div class=”container” role=”main”>
<div class=”<?php echo implode(‘ ‘, apply_filters( ‘tc_column_content_wrapper_classes’ , array(‘row’ ,’column-content-wrapper’) ) ) ?>”>
<?php do_action( ‘__before_article_container’); ##hook of left sidebar?>
<div id=”content” class=”<?php echo implode(‘ ‘, apply_filters( ‘tc_article_container_class’ , array( TC_utils::tc_get_layout( TC_utils::tc_id() , ‘class’ ) , ‘article-container’ ) ) ) ?>”>
<?php do_action (‘__before_loop’);##hooks the heading of the list of post : archive, search… ?>
<?php if ( tc__f(‘__is_no_results’) || is_404() ) : ##no search results or 404 cases ?>
<article <?php tc__f(‘__article_selectors’) ?>>
<?php do_action( ‘__loop’ ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() && ! is_404() ) : ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : ##all other cases for single and lists: post, custom post type, page, archives, search, 404 ?>
<?php the_post(); ?>
<?php do_action (‘__before_article’) ?>
<article <?php tc__f(‘__article_selectors’) ?>>
<?php do_action( ‘__loop’ ); ?>
<?php do_action (‘__after_article’) ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ##end if have posts ?>
<?php do_action (‘__after_loop’);##hook of the comments and the posts navigation with priorities 10 and 20 ?>
</div><!–.article-container –>
<?php do_action( ‘__after_article_container’); ##hook of left sidebar ?>
</div><!–.row –>
</div><!– .container role: main –>
<?php do_action( ‘__after_main_container’ ); ?>
</div><!– //#main-wrapper –>
<?php do_action( ‘__after_main_wrapper’ );##hook of the footer with get_footer ?>