• I noticed lots of ppl (including myself) are having problems with pagination in categories, where the first page would work, but the second page, “page/2/” would send you to the 404 – page.

    After googling around for 20 minutes I only found bits of the solution, which I merged together and got it working! Do like this:

    1. You don’t need to change anything in the Dashboard -> Reading Settings as some has suggested. Put it back to how it was.

    2. In your query_posts, remove the “post_per_page” limitation, since sin category.php this doesn’t work when you want to generate pages.

    so in my case query_posts(array ('cat' => $current_cat_id, "paged" => "$paged", "posts_per_page" => "1", ));

    becomes query_posts(array ('cat' => $current_cat_id, "paged" => "$paged" ));

    3. Copy the following lines and put them in your functions.php. In the last you set the numbers of posts you want to show for each page:

    add_action( 'parse_query', 'category_posts_per_page', 10, 1 );
    function category_posts_per_page( $q_obj ) {
    if( is_category() )
    $q_obj->query_vars['posts_per_page'] = 1; // Change this example value

    Now, techically, pagination is working, but one (big) problem is remaining.
    a) Lets say you are using customized permalinks, like I am doing; the classic: /%category%/%postname%/.
    b) And lets pretend you have category called Music.
    The problem you will be having is that pagination WILL work if you type: (your_site_url)/categories/music, but if will fail when wordpress sends the viewer to (your_site_url)/music directly, which wordpress loves to do.


    4. This one was hard to find, but it’s easy and works! Just download and install the Category Pagination Fix plugin .

    Now, suddenly, pagination is working in categories no matter url structure. Yeah! ??

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