Fix for all links showing ticked box
Here is a possible fix if you see all checkboxes ticked. First, go into nofollow-ner.php and change the following wp_register_script to…
/********************************************** * ADD LINK DIALOGUE NOFOLLOW CHECKBOX SECTION * ***********************************************/ function nofollow_redo_wplink() { wp_deregister_script( 'wplink' ); // $suffix = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; $suffix = ''; wp_register_script( 'wplink', plugins_url( 'wplink' . $suffix . '.js', __FILE__), array( 'jquery', 'wpdialogs' ), false, 1 );
Next, you will need to go to the ‘wplink.js’ file in the plugin folder and change the following:
mceRefresh: function(ed) { var text, selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(), linkNode = editor.dom.getParent( selectedNode, 'a[href]' ), onlyText = this.hasSelectedText( linkNode ); if ( linkNode ) { text = linkNode.innerText || linkNode.textContent; inputs.url.val( ed.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'href' ) ); inputs.openInNewTab.prop( 'checked', '_blank' === editor.dom.getAttrib( linkNode, 'target' ) ); // Set rel="nofollow" (mod) if ( "nofollow" == editor.dom.getAttrib(linkNode, 'rel' ) ) { inputs.relNofollow.prop('checked', true); } else { // if no follow is not on on THIS linkNode, show checkbox as unchecked inputs.relNofollow.prop('checked', false); } inputs.submit.val( wpLinkL10n.update ); } else { text = editor.selection.getContent({ format: 'text' }); this.setDefaultValues(); } if ( onlyText ) { inputs.text.val( text || '' ); inputs.wrap.addClass( 'has-text-field' ); } else { inputs.text.val( '' ); inputs.wrap.removeClass( 'has-text-field' ); } },
Seems to work on my end in the classic editor.
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