• Hi,

    I’ve test your plugin on my wp 3.8 website but, the initialisation of it failed.
    So i’ve made some minor correction on your code to fix the bug.

    add_action('init', 'init_emptyp');
    function init_emptyp() {
       if ( ( current_user_can('edit_posts') || current_user_can('edit_pages') ) && get_user_option('rich_editing') ) {
         	add_filter('mce_external_plugins', "emptyp_register");
    			add_filter('mce_buttons', 'emptyp_add_button', 0);
    function emptyp_add_button($buttons)
        return $buttons;
    function emptyp_register($plugin_array)
        $url = trim(get_bloginfo('url'), "/")."/wp-content/plugins/empty-paragraph-for-tinymce-editor/editor_plugin.js";
        $plugin_array['emptyp'] = $url;
        return $plugin_array;


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