• Resolved Generosus


    Good Day,

    Concerning your 404 Monitor table, the following is appreciated: (details)

    1. Your table has a misspelled word. Should be “Referrer.”
    2. Your table is not capturing the referrer of the user (or bot) visiting our site. Please provide a fix.
    3. Please add the IP address and/or Geolocation of the user (or bot) visiting our site to your table. Without this information, your table does not provide too much value. I realise RM is not a security plugin, but it should be pretty easy (and useful) to add this info to it.

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Support Rank Math Support


    Hello @generosus,

    Thank you for contacting Rank Math support.

    1. We haven’t misspelled the word. The Referer is an HTTP header that contains information about the address(page) from which a resource has been requested.?https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referer
    2. The referer is only captured when the non-existing URL was visited using a link present on a page. If the non-existing URL was visited directly by a bot or user, the referer will be empty.
    3. Storing an IP address without the user’s consent can get site owners into trouble. According to GDPR law, the user’s consent must be obtained before storing any personal details.

    Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

    Thread Starter Generosus


    Hi @rankmathsupport,

    Thanks for that. In response:

    1. OK. You got me there!
    2. OK. Can you please add that info to your documentation? It would be helfpul.
    3. If a website is following GDPR laws, it should have a footer, banner, etc. with a link (or links) leading to a Cookie Policy and/or Privacy Policy that clearly explains the type of data that is being collected by the website. With this in mind, it would be awesome if your team can add the IP address (as a new feature) to your 404 Monitor table. Many other plugins (e.g., Wordfence, User IP and Location, etc.) already offer this feature.

    OK to close this topic as “Resolved” after your reply.

    Again, thank you!

    Plugin Support Rank Math Support


    Hello @generosus,
    2. It is mentioned in our 404 Monitor KB:?https://rankmath.com/kb/monitor-404-errors/#referer
    3. We have shared it with the developers for internal discussion. If they decide to include the IP detection in 404 Monitor, we’ll be sure to let you know.
    Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need our assistance with anything else.

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