Hello @mpmarinov
Thank you very much for the clarification. You are referring to the operations in the “CFF Fitness and Health Operations” complementary plugin, not the Calculated Fields Form. In this case, I recommend to include a function for the translation on your form.
You can insert an “HTML Content” field in the form with a function similar to the following one as its content (I’m sorry, I used a translator for Bulgarian texts):
function my_translator(v) {
case 'Severe Thinness': return 'Тежка тънкост';
case 'Moderate Thinness': return 'Умерена тънкост';
case 'Mild Thinness': return 'Лека тънкост';
case 'Normal': return 'Нормален';
case 'Overweight': return 'Наднормено тегло';
case 'Obese Class I': return 'Затлъстяване клас I';
case 'Obese Class II': return 'Затлъстяване клас II';
case 'Obese Class III': return 'Затлъстяване клас III';
return v;
And call it from your equation:
my_translator(BMI(fieldname1, fieldname2, true));
But note the BMI operation returns the textual result if you pass true as its third paratmeter.
Best regards.