Thank you for that code snippet. My uppers have sent me their csv files that has all of the schools that will need a site. The information I have so far doesn’t include anything about their IP addresses or their email addresses. I thought about using something like that code above if I had either.
I do have a security plugin I found that does make it so that those that register through one site will only have access to that single site, so I’m set there.
I think this one is going to take some creative thinking. My deadline is July 15 and even if I finished the development and design by July 1st I don’t know if I’d have enough time to take care of each of these 20,000 sites individually.
So because I don’t have IP addresses, email addresses, or anything really besides the school name and the school’s information (address, how many students, etc) I need to think of some other way of uniquely identifying them.
Think with me… if there was a drop down menu in the registration process that allowed them to choose between Admin or Contributor (I guess I should radio buttons for two options), then if they chose Admin I could unhide a div that held a text box that required a passcode to register as an Admin. If they select Contributor after seeing that new required text box, that text box should disappear.
Actually that sounds right. It would be nice to do this dynamically with an if-else based on something like an IP, but I don’t have that option.
But how would they know the passcode to use if I haven’t been able to personally contact them prior to their registration process?… They would have to click some other link that says “how do I know my passcode?” that would email me, then I’d have to verify them and email them back…yikes…maybe not.
If you have any more ideas, please throw them my way. I don’t want to do anything manually 20,000 times! ??
Interestingly the csv file of the schools includes each school’s latitude and longitude location…if that strikes any brain waves for ideas.
Thanks again.