Hi @catboulin,
I had a talk about this with our development team and they have implemented a custom hook for you which will open the Abandoned Orders tab when you click on Abandoned Carts submenu from the sidebar.
I have uploaded “woocommerce-ac.php” file of our Abandoned Cart Lite plugin on the dropbox which contains the modified code to achieve your requirement. Below is the link to download the modified plugin file “woocommerce-ac.php“.
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bdlw5toos676qii/woocommerce-ac.php?dl=0
Kindly download the same and replace the downloaded file with the existing file via FTP.
Path: <WordPress Installation Directory/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-abandoned-cart/<HERE>
Once you will replace the provided plugin file then kindly add the below-provided custom code in the functions.php file of your currently active theme.
Path: wp-content / themes / <your active theme folder> / functions.php
Custom code:
add_filter( 'wcal_default_tab', 'change_default_tab', 10, 1 );
function change_default_tab( $action ) {
return 'listcart';
Once you will add this custom code in your active theme’s functions.php file, please check and let us know whether clicking on Abandoned Carts submenu redirecting you to the Abandoned Orders tab or not.
Let us know the result.
>> Something else would be to send a notification message to admin when there is an incomplete cart.
: This is possible to achieve with our Pro version of Abandoned Cart plugin. In the Pro version, there is an option “Send the Abandoned cart emails to” which allows sending an abandoned cart email to the customer and the site admin as well.
Here is the screenshot for your reference: https://www.screencast.com/t/dzE9azSX8
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions about it.
Priyanka Jagtap