Hey Terrysmith, good work on the theme adaption.
Just being nit -picky here but I noticed that the header part of the theme has rectangle boxes with sharp edges, and the lower part of the site (from the navigation bar to footer) uses rounded edge boxes. My suggestion would to to either stick to sharp or rounded edges, since they are two different styles.
I would also work a wee bit more on the placement/staging of the header. You currently have three information boxes and a phone number (i.e “Sky Habit logo, CapitaLand logo and Mitsubishi logo). These logos are placed in such a way that they are throwing off the visual balance of the site. Since it’s the first thing a visitor would see, emphasis on Skyhabit logo, right align the other two logos and have the number listed below them. Try various combinations.
There exists this odd spacing between the navigation links and the body text. Play around with that spacing a bit more.
Use the same drop shadow (that is used for the nav links) everywhere, including the header.