First class mail not showing
So i am shipping an item that weighs 1oz, however, during checkout, the option for first class mail is missing, it only shows priority mail and priority mail express. I never had this problem before when using woocommerce usps shipping plugin.
My first class rates are still not showing. Any estimate as to when this will be fixed?
Hey everybody. USPS’ API isn’t working correctly. So for a quick fix please enable DEBBUG to see which methods you are receiving. I can tell you right now we’re only seeing two. We’re using First-Class Mail? Large Envelope (it’s the only API feed coming thru) with an extra $3 to handle S/H. That calculation isn’t coming out right but it’s covering costs better than nothing showing and the $3 bucks total that was showing.
You may have to play around with the Parcel Packing Method to but test and see how it goes. Then in the input field simply put FIRST CLASS so that the user doesn’t see First-Class Mail? Large Envelope
Hope this helps.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Found a work-around. Under Woocommerce/Settings/Shipping/USPS I checked “First Class Package Service” in addition to my usual checked box of “First Class Mail Parcel”. The rates for this “First Class Package Service” are almost identical. Problem solved for now.
@pakellner exactly. Great job. That’s the rate we use, but it’s not coming thru anymore. I was able to see all the rates (only two) come thru once I enabled debug mode. Chose one and that was that.
I don’t know what you sell but if a user can add multiple items be careful it doesn’t charge them $13 or more for two items. That’s why I noted the parcel package method part. You can ship up to 15.9999 ounces for under $4 commercial and charge the customer $5.98 or $6 by adding additional fee. But sometimes that packing method will double it to $11 or $13. So add additional items to the cart to make sure you’re not overcharging your customers.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Hello all!
If you’re experiencing issue with WooCommerce Services, please open a Support Thread here: – this is a Review, and isn’t surfaced as well.
USPS First-Class Package Service has different weight restrictions between Retail and Commercial – if you’re looking to ship items above 13oz, I believe you will need to choose Commercial rates. See:
Jeff, it’s not so much a WooCommerce Services issue. The issue is that USPS’s First Class Shipping does not show for most people. This is due to an API issue from USPS into Woo. Woo is aware of the issue as I’ve explained but there has not yet been a patch since the issue lies with USPS. So I’ve explained how to fix that issue whether you are using your plugin or not using your plugin. It wouldn’t matter.
For the record you can ship up to 15.9999 ounces as I’ve stated before. I don’t know where you got 13oz from. Items above 15.9999 need to go Priority.
Again, anyone experiencing this issue follow my instructions and you’ll be all set.
I thought i was the only one, hopefully they release a fix for it.
I’ve updated to the latest release of the USPS Shipping plugin. The First-Class – Retail shipping option shows up and I can set an additional price to cover shipping expenses above the retail postage and if the items in the shopping cart are light enough the First-Class option shows in the cart. But it only works when Weight Based is used in the WooCommerce shipping settings. Default and Recommended never return the First-Class option. The new problem with Weight Based is that if an item over one pound is in the cart the correct Priority Mail price shows only if there is one item in the cart. Adding an additional item even if it only weighs an ounce and does not push the shipping weight over 2 pounds will adjust the shipping charge to double what it was with just one item in the cart. So it would jump from $7.35 for Priority Mail, for example, to $14.70, or twice the amount it should return.
I have a ticket in with Woocommerce to see what they suggest.@kcellis I’m guessing you don’t have any dimensions or weights on each product then?
Can you tell me which version of USPS you are using? I know you stated latest but put a version number if you can. I’m using a beta version which I don’t think was released yet and everything is working. I’m definitely using the Recommended and I have our box sizes and weights for each box added. Once a box fills past 15.99999 ounces only Priority will show no matter what. However our price points are such that at $50+ users get free shipping in general.
Anyway, let’s see if we can get you squared away.
Yes I should have put that in the post. It’s WooCommerce USPS Shipping version 4.4.10
I’m using weight based in order to allow First-Class to show up as an option if the weight and box size permit it. Recommended works without doubling the Priority price, but never shows First-Class no matter how small the box or light the weight. I put a disclaimer in the cart shipping calculator to let customers know we monitor the shipping charge and will refund any excess charge we find. Not the best solution, but allows First-Class to show and, I hope, will not scare off potential buyers if they see a shipping charge of $15.00 when is should only be $7.50.
Ah you’re using the beta version then. I gave them the okay to release after reviewing so they must’ve released it. I was away for a few weeks. So that one should be working correctly then. Did you download it from Woo or from a repository elsewhere?
One of your settings, weights, must be off somewhere. I usually shut calculations off. I never use them. If you are using recommend make sure no box is passed 0.15 ounces. Boxes need to be under 0.15 and then Woo will calculate each product correct if their individual weights and dimensions are correct.
That makes sense. Let me look at my settings and get back.
I set all box weights to 0.09 and set Recommended as the method, but still am not seeing First-Class. I put a $2.95 item weighing weighing 2 ounces and measuring 6″ x 4″ x 1″ which should return a 1st class rate of $4.30, but only Priority shows up.
I feel I must have some settings wrong somewhere, but I can’t understand why I can get 1st class to work with default/and weight based and not recommended, nor why with default or weight based the Priority price doubles if I add a second item ot the cart that has one weighing over a pound, but I don’t get the doubling if I use recommended.
Because I allow for Amazon payments, if I don’t have the shipping calculator on, I have had orders come in with no shipping charge added at all if the customer bypasses the checkout page and uses Amazon payments. -
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
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