Hello sir,
Firstly, we’re a bit confused about the line’s location. Could you please provide more details, and if possible, share a screenshot? It would be really helpful for us to understand.
Secondly, regarding the issue with the underline in the CSS, it might be appearing due to the default theme settings. You can resolve this by using the following code:
Here is the Code:
body .bd_toc_container .bd_toc_wrapper .bd_toc_content_list_item ul li a:hover {
text-decoration: none !important;
We’ve also attached a screenshot for reference:
3rd, It seems there’s a question about padding and margins not working. The thing is, these settings are functional, but they apply specifically to headings in the free version. Subheading editing is not available in the free version, so it won’t work for them. To demonstrate that padding and margins are indeed functioning, we’ve recorded a video for you.
Check it out here:
Lastly, we use “important” because sometimes different themes can cause conflicts. We do this to make sure everything works smoothly. I hope this makes sense to you. We are wating for your response.
BoomDevs Support Team.