Thank you Philippe – you’re right. For some reason I couldn’t get it to work on the site anymore. I don’t know what I did but I was getting this every time I tried to use the plugin:
Cannot find /wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/apple-touch-icon.png?v=
The high resolution Touch icon is absent
There is no Touch icon
Image is ill-formed
Image is ill-formed
There is no Touch icon in the root directory
Android Chrome
The Web App Manifest is declared
The Web App Manifest at /wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/site.webmanifest?v= cannot be downloaded
The high resolution icon is absent
There is no icon for Android Chrome
Windows 8 and 10
Cannot find /wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/browserconfig.xml?v=
Cannot find /wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/mstile-150×150.png?v=
The Browser Configuration file is present
There is a tile icon for Windows
Mac OS X El Capitan Safari
The mask icon color is declared
Cannot find /wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/safari-pinned-tab.svg?v=
The mask icon for Safari pinned tabs is absent
Classic, desktop browsers
favicon.ico is available in the root of your web site
There is an icon for classic browsers
favicon.ico is present
favicon.ico contains the highest resolution icon (48×48)
favicon.ico contains all icons of recommended sizes
/wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/favicon.ico?v= is declared but not accessible
Cannot find /wp-content/uploads/fbrfg/favicon-32×32.png?v=
Do you have any suggestions?