good job, cookiepuss. i’d just like to add a few things:
some sites do in fact need to have a different character set, but if you’re working with only European languages, you’re fine with
(i only mention this cuz i write some Chinese and Japanese plugins for myself… this might be useful for, i dunno.. the 1 person on this site who has a blog in Korean, Cyrillic or Arabic… ) for a complete list of encoding, here:
also, be sure to save your file as ANSI text, not UTF or Unicode, cuz Firefox’d be like “nuh-uh. i don’t know what that is.”
you also need to Photoshop up a 16×16 pixel icon. you can save it as a GIF, JPG, or PNG. don’t use JPG cuz at that small size, you won’t get any size savings. (the file may actually be slightly bigger than if you used GIF). i prefer to use PNG… it’s slightly bigger than GIF, but it’s an open, patent-free format. no greedy company controls the licensing for it (unlike GIF). PNG-24 since it’s great for multiple levels of transparencies (GIF & PNG-8 can have only 1 transparent color).
anyhoo, email me at zmei snailmark sugarcloud period com if you have questions.