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  • Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    The media player used in this plugin is the media player that is part of WordPress core, so if it is not compatible with a browser then that is a limitation in WordPress itself. That being said, the media player has fallbacks for browsers that do not support HTML5 audio embeds so this should be an issue at all – not even in older browsers.

    I recommend disabling your other plugins to test for a plugin conflict as there’s no real reason why you should be having this issue.

    Thread Starter Galenh


    Thanks for getting back to me. I really like the setup of the plugin, hoping I can figure out the issue I’m having.

    I tried some disabling other plugins, but not much luck. The problem is evident in the HTML it seems like the variables are being written in a weird way.

    (here’s the site

    <audio id="wp_mep_0" controls="controls" http:="""" wp-content="" uploads="" 2013="" 10="" hb_juicy_insect_v2.mp3="" 400="" 30="" audio="" none="" false="" true="" en="" class="mejs-player" data-mejsoptions="{loop: false," features":["playpause","current","progress","duration","volume","tracks"],"audiowidth":400,"audioheight":30}"="">
    						<source src="" type="audio/mp3">
    						<object width="400" height="30" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="">
    							<param name="movie" value="">
    							<param name="flashvars" value="controls=true&file=">
    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    I see the player isn’t showing properly in Chrome either on your site – I just see Chrome’s default audio player, not the proper one that this plugin (and WordPress) uses. This means that the problem is almost definitely a conflict with either your theme or one of your other plugins. I recommend switching to the default theme (Twenty Twelve or Twenty Thirteen) and disabling all of your plugins except SSP. If you do that it should be working fine, then just reactivate your plugins one by one until you find which one is breaking the audio player.

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