Two issues I can see happening here, is;
A) you are using a commercial theme.
Commercial themes are not supported here. You paid for support when you bought the theme. Contact support where you purchased the theme, or consult the documentation that came with it.
B) this makes little sense:
So I opened the image in Word 2007. I added the alt tag. Terrific. So now how do I get the image from Word back to the website and keep the new alt tag?
If you uploaded an image to WordPress, and inserted it in your theme, you should not be using MS Word to edit anything from that point forward. Edit the Alt tag using either the WordPress HTML editor, the featured image provisions found in your theme options, or the “Alternative Text” field found when you select the Edit function of an image included in your WordPress media library.
Its the biggest image on the website. For some reason now it has become clickable. I want it to go back to being non-clickable.
The image is “click-able” because something you’ve done/edited has hyper-linked it to your domain;
Consult your theme documentation, and – or – contact support where you purchased the HealthPress theme.
You are also using an insecure version of WordPress. (Version 3.8.3 ) You should seriously consider updating to the latest version.