• Brand new www.remarpro.com user, been using WordPress.com for a couple years now, so I’m very comfortable in the Dashboard.

    Did my first install on Bluehost (wow, how simple!) and now going through free themes found here on www.remarpro.com. Not really finding the “perfect” theme and wondering about other places to look, what to watch out for, and how to do basic mods to existing themes (but then maybe that’s getting ahead of myself). Very intimidated by the idea of developing my own theme from scratch so I purchased “Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog” but finding it’s a bit over my head (I know only a little HTML, but absolutely no CSS and no PHP!).

    Question: Are there other places I can look for stable, well-developed free themes, or should I just bite the bullet and purchase a premium theme to start with?

    Question 2: Any tips on getting up and running developing my own themes or customizing an existing one where I can learn the HTML, CSS and PHP as I go? Tutorial videos would be awesome.

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  • Free themes tend to be as good as any premium theme you can find out there, unless there is a theme which just happens to perfectly fit your needs. First, I’d suggest browsing through the themes without any keywords. Use the Theme browser in your dashboard and run a search without checking any boxes or typing anything into the URL, then browse over/through each and every theme. Don’t look for a theme which has an image which works perfectly with what you want, but look for a theme which has a layout which works with what you want. The images can always be easily changed.

    You can also browse free wordpress themes on google as there are other sites out there with free themes as well.

    If you still cannot find something free, then you can start looking into building your own theme or purchasing a premium theme, but free is always a good thing if possible because, well… because it’s free.

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