OMG – I just discovered the nifty “timer” – very clever!
And yes, you did a GREAT job on simplifying the UI! That said though… while I’ve been able to figure out most all the options, I do have a couple of quandaries:
1. Yes, yes that timer is very kewl, but… as displayed, there’s no way to know what it is/what it does. i.e. just a clock icon w/ the number of minutes. No way for the user to know that’s it’s dynamic/is a timer that can be activated by clicking. Thus I suggest some means of a descriptor in the shortcode that precedes the icon with “Click the timer to start:” or some such.
2. The “YIELDS”/Servings – again, very nifty to be able to change the servings (and automatically double, etc. the ingredient amounts) but…
Am I missing something? Or… it seems the default is “1 Serving” and the drop-down offers the ability to “Double” or “Triple” that. BUT… Suffice “1 Serving” doesn’t always make sense (i.e. a dozen cookies, or a pan of lasagna – that actually serves 12). OIW, it really needs to allow more options than a single “1 Serving” as the default. Double and Triple works fine as a drop-down, but you need to be able to set a starting quantity besides merely “1 Serving”.
Also, re: the “YIELDS” – again there’s no way that the user knows to click the “1 Serving” to get the drop down. Better to likewise (as for the timer) have some sort of descriptor like “(Click to increase the servings/quantities)” or some such.
I was able to tweak both by inserting a bit of text near the Timer and the YIELDS, but… a bit awkwardly as the cooked-info shortcodes don’t allow text on the same line, so any manual descriptor necessarily is a full paragraph space above or below the “YIELDS”.
Neither of the suggestions above are deal-breakers, but just something that would better let users know that the timer can be activated and the yields can be dynamically changed. Might be an easy code tweak for you.
In any case – I still think this is a fantastic recipe plugin. I’ve now created a couple of test recipes and set up a “Browse” recipes page – again, the options for browsing all work perfectly, and nice that I can add a blurb for each recipe via the “excerpt” box.
In short, extremely thoughtfully designed, and beautiful displays – thanks again!